'Pompon Perpetual' rose References
Website/Catalog (27 Jul 2011) Rosa ‘Bernard’ Classified as a Damask Perpetual by William Paul, writing in The Gardeners Chronicle and as a Portland rose by James Smith in the Floricultural Cabinet. Rivers described ‘Rose Bernard’ as a sport of the ‘Crimson Perpetual’ rose, as was ‘Celina Dubos’, otherwise known as ‘Madame Dubos’. He described it as ‘a most beautiful rose with rather small flowers, but these are very double and finely shaped, of a delicate pink tinted with salmon, and very fragrant.’ [GC 5th Aug 1843, GC p.831/1844, FC p.6/1853, Rivers (1854, 1863)]. .... History at Camden Park Arrived from Veitch’s Nursery, Chelsea on Dec, 31st, 1859 on board the ‘Hollinside’ but dead on arrival. For more detail see Rosa ‘Ducher’.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 47. Portland, 1846, ('Pompon Perpetual'); 'Rose du Roi' sport.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 24. 'Bernard' ('Mme. Ferray', 'Perpetual Pompon') Unknown 1836. Damask Perpetual. Sport or seedling of 'Rose du Roi'. Descriptive information from primary sources. Bernard [was the] stage name of the France actor/comedian Wolf, ff. 1830's.
Website/Catalog (1976) Page(s) 21. BERNARD (Robert 1818). Rose vif.
Book (1936) Page(s) 71. Bernard (HP) ? before 1857; Rose du Roi X ? ; salmon-pink, medium size, double, broad, flat cup form = Mme. Ferray. Bernard (damask) ? before 1846; bright carmine-vermilion, 5 cm., double, fragrance 6/10. Bernard (damask) ? before 1846; vivid flesh-pink, 5 cm., double, fragrance 7/10, short.
Book (1899) Page(s) 24. Bernard, damas, rose vif
Website/Catalog (1880) Page(s) 250. Rosiers Portland ou Perpétuels, Rosa Portlandica 843 Bernard.—Petite, pleine, bien faite, rose tendre.
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p. 18. hybrid perpetual, Bernard, Mdm. Ferray, salmon-pink, medium size, full, falt cup form, descends from R. du Roi.
Magazine (Sep 1878) Page(s) 202. The Damask Perpetuals are a small class, whose origin is obscure. They are remarkably fragrant, and of moderate growth. As a rule they do best upon their own roots, require a rich soil and rather close pruning. The most desirable varieties are as follows: Bernard — A vigorous sort with pale salmon coloured flowers.
Magazine (Apr 1866) Page(s) 109. Les accidents qui ont lieu à l'égard des fleurs du Rosier sont, en effet, de plusieurs sortes : ainsi les stries, les panachures, les variations de forme, de couleur, de grandeur, de duplicature, peuvent se fixer sans que les pétales conservent leur forme normale : nous en avons des exemples dans Camaïeu, Bernard, Rose du roi striée, Mogador, etc.