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'Golden Glow' rose References
Book  (1994)  Page(s) 175.  
[Wilhelm] Kordes was especially impressed with 'Golden Glow', a yellow climber the Brownells introduced in 1937... Kordes praised its abundant golden flowers and its hardiness, even going so far as to say, "I think 'Golden Glow" is the Climber we have been expecting for long, long years." Like the Brownells, Kordes strove for cold-hardy roses. To create 'Goldbusch' he crossed 'Golden Glow' with a hybrid of the hardy species rose, R. eglanteria... Later, another cross between 'Golden Glow' and an R. eglanteria hybrid produced for Kordes a shrub rose that can easily be used as a climber, 'Alchymist', which is similar to 'Goldbusch' but has double flowers in shades of yellow and orange. 'Alchymist' was introduced in 1956...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 215.  
Golden Glow. Large-flowered Climber, medium yellow, 1937, 'Glenn Dale' x ('Mary Wallace' x Hybrid Tea); Brownell. Description.
Book  (Feb 1993)  Page(s) 157.  Includes photo(s).
Golden Glow Synstylae. Parentage: 'Glenn Dale' x ('Mary Wallace' x a hybrid tea). USA 1937. Description and cultivation... cupped, almost fully double, clear buttercup yellow, unfading blooms of lovely form with a centre of reddish-gold stamens... This rose was used to introduce yellow colouring into the Kordesii hybrids... very tough and cold hardy...
Book  (May 1992)  Page(s) 318.  
Golden Glow Brownell (USA) 1937. 'Glenn Dale' x ('Mary Wallace' x a Hybrid Tea)... cupped, almost double flowers of golden-yellow...
Website/Catalog  (1982)  Page(s) 19.  

Golden Glow. (Climber) shapely, double flowers of golden yellow.  Plentiful leathery foliage. 1937 (S) 12 x 8’.

(1975)  Page(s) 7, vol. 6, no. 2.  
Margaret Jeffress, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 
Brownell's 'Golden Glow' is a once-blooming, sub-zero climber, but many of its seedlings are dwarf and everblooming. Some are miniatures. 'Golden Glow' has big seed pods and will accept many pollens. The seedlings also germinate quickly. Most I've had are light yellow, double fragrant, and have tough, resistant leaves.
Magazine  (Oct 1974)  Page(s) 14.  
"To Touch a Rainbow" (Creating New Miniatures)
Ralph S. Moore of Sequoia Nursery
Golden Glow (Brownell) — a large-flowered climber with intense yellow color, sets seed well, roots easily (from R. wichuraiana ancestry).
Website/Catalog  (1958)  Page(s) 34.  
Wichuraiana Class . Golden Glow (Brownell 1937) 6. Deep yellow blooms, slightly larger than 'Goldilocks'.  Profuse flowering and disease resistant.  Good. 
Book  (1948)  Page(s) 56.  
K. P. Jones, Barrington, Rhode Island. Wichuraiana Hybrids.
Golden Glow is a descendant of both ‘Glenn Dale’ and ‘Mary Wallace’.....
Of the other dozen and a half climbers born in Little Compton the best are ‘Coral Creeper’, ‘Golden Glow’, ‘Golden Pyramid’, ‘Magic Carpet’ and ‘White Gold’, all of which can be grown as vigorous climbers.
Book  (1948)  Page(s) 39.  
J. M. F. Connelly, New Zealand. More Climbing Roses
Golden Glow, listed as spectrum yellow, is a very vigorous type with sprawling habit and is going to be more popular than Mrs. A. C. James. It has more petals and the shade is similar. The foliage is small and very plentiful, but so far it appears to be summer flowering only. Golden Glow is the ideal rose to plant alongside the leggy type of climber. Its sprawling habit covers up the bareness of those climbers that break into foliage about three feet from the ground. This climber has impressed me very much.
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