'Little Chief' rose References
Article (website) (2018) A highly black spot resistant breeding line derived from R. wichurana “Basye’s Thornless” (black spot resistant)—J06-20-14-3 (J14-3) according to Dong et al., a moderately resistant cultivar “Old Blush” (OB) and three susceptible cultivars with excellent ornamental characteristics—“Little Chief” (LC), “Red Fairy” (RF), and “Vineyard Song” (VS) were used to generate the three diploid populations (2n = 2x = 14) for linkage map construction
Other (Aug 2016) Page(s) 19. Growth types of various diploid roses... Little Chief, Intermediate
Book (Aug 2002) Page(s) 55. Little Chief Not rated
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 317. Little Chief Miniature, deep pink, 1971, 'Cotton Candy' x 'Magic Wand'; Moore, R.S... foliage small, glossy, leathery...