'Rosa canina borbonica' rose Photos
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Specimen of Rosa borbonica. From the Herbier of Aymar Charles d' Alleizette. Collected in Tananarive, Madagascar, ca. 1905
Uploaded 3 DEC 16 |
Sangerhausen, June 21, 2013
Uploaded 13 JUL 13 |
From "The Genus Rosa" by Ellen Willmott, Part XVII, 1912, tab 114, p. 338. Drawing by Alfred Parsons. Labeled as 'Rosa Borbonica' Morren. Courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library.
Uploaded 21 NOV 16 |
Sangerhausen, June 21, 2013
Uploaded 13 JUL 13 |
From "Transaction of the Horticultural Society of London", 1842, p. 245: "Observations upon the Effect of...the Frost...in England in the Winter of 1837-8"
[• indicates that a plant has been entirely killed, or so nearly so that it was not worth preserving ; Ø that it was much injured, but not killed ; o that it was uninjured, or hurt in no considerable degree.]
Courtesy of the Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 28 OCT 16 |
From Journal des Roses Juillet 1878
Uploaded 17 NOV 12 |
Les Roses (Redouté & Thory)
Book (1835) Page(s) Vol. III, tab 130.
Uploaded 2 AUG 16 |
Roses: their history development and cultivation. 1920, facing pag. 90
Uploaded 3 SEP 11 |
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