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'Peggy Bell' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 30-977
most recent 4 FEB 15 SHOW ALL
Initial post 16 OCT 08 by Patricia Routley
The apricot pink 'Peggy Bell' in Australian commerce does not appear to be the original carmine pink rose. Refer to the early references for this rose.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 4 FEB 15 by Give me caffeine
While it is obviously not the original, since it's an entirely different colour, the 2010 reference makes it sound pretty decent in its own right.

"'Peggy Bell' HT, ab, 1929, Clark, A.; flowers peach-buff pink, copper reverse, large, full, moderate, tea myrrh fragrance; good repeat; vigorous, very tall (10-12 ft.) growth. Introductions: NRS New South Wales"

Has anyone had experience growing the thing?
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