I'm finding this one grows much like 'Mister Lincoln': mostly upwards, fairly sparse, big pointy teeth. Not quite as tall as Lincoln, and a bit more spreading, but a similar sort of beastie.
It is definitely not the "small, compact bush" or "dwarf" mentioned in some HMF references. It is also definitely not a rose that has "virtually no thorns", as 2002 reference "The Garden at Forest Hall" claims.
It may do well with a fair amount of pruning for form, or in a group, or with other shrubs around it for visual support, but looks a bit odd sitting out by itself. I still find it appealing though.
Nice foliage, elegant buds, and delightful flowers. Easy to deadhead, as the outer ends of the plant are near enough to thornless. It's only the canes themselves that bite.
Update: Had to do a big clean up around the rose bed last week. This included getting right into the base to take out some old canes. I found that as long as you have room to move and take some care, Squatter's Dream is easy to work around. It does have large thorns on the older wood, but they are spaced well apart from each other and not hooked. It looks a tad scary but is actually quite friendly, as long as you are paying attention.