'Young Quinn ®' rose References
Booklet (2008) An Information List of all Varieties. p6 1975. Young Quinn - Macbern. Nicknamed Bernadette. For the racehorse.
Book (2000) Page(s) 638. Includes photo(s). ‘Young Quinn’/MACbern/’Yellow Wonder’ = Hybride de Thé – jaune moyen, remontant. Ses gros boutons jaune ambré, parfaitement ovoïdes, se muent en grandes fleurs jaune maïs d’une trentaine de pétales, ourlées de rose à l’épanouissement… McGredy, Nouvelle-Zélande 1975. ‘Peer Gynt’ x ‘Kiskadee’.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 649. Young Quinn® Hybrid Tea, medium yellow, 1975, (MACbern; 'Yellow Wonder'); 'Peer Gynt' x 'Kiskadee'; McGredy, Sam. Description.
Book (1986) p24. ....Kordes 'Peer Gynt' is a better plant, if it wasn't for the mildew. My Young Quinn is much stronger, but has a small flower size.
p66. ....Swallowing my [horse betting] losses, I decided that my very next rose would be 'Young Quinn'. Young Quinn is a big, big bush, in the kind of dimension one associates with 'Queen Elizabeth'. No wonder. It has lots of shrubby blood in its background as both parents run back to Rosa Eglanteria. The size may be a fault in places like Auckland and Los Angeles, but if you are trying to grow roses in stiff clay in one of the industrial areas of Britain, you'll love it. I wish the flower could be a little bigger. At times it is of lovely form, particularly early in the season. At other times the plant is huge and the blooms in smallish clusters look out of proportion. The plant has very strong, healthy foliage. I see it best as a tall background rose (like 'Queen Elizabeth' and the red 'Heidelberg') or for those who say that roses just won't grow in their garden. If you can't grow 'Young Quinn' you may give up!
p67. Illustration Young Quinn
p71. Not only has 'Arthur Bell' been popular as a garden rose, it has been of immense importance in bringing its health and vigour to following generations. Young Quinn and .... are but a few of its progeny.
Book (1985) Page(s) 9. ....[named] for a horse Young Quinn
Book (1982) Page(s) 32. Don Sheppard. Final Analysis 1981-82 Young Quinn (McGredy pre 1976). (Not registered in Modern Roses 8). Here we have a tall vigorous healthy growing bush producing from coarse stems rather smallish yellow blooms that are very often split or confused. Some say it is an improved 'Peer Gynt'. However over the years of review, the numbers of punters fancying this rose have dwindled and even these are rather critical of its performance. Its production of blooms appear to vary considerably too from district to district, yet in our last year of review 1982, the six long staying reports rate it around 7 saying it makes a good background rose giving a good splash of yellow colour.
Website/Catalog (1982) Page(s) 4. Yellow Wunder ® Me Gredy 1975. Charmante rose jaune bordée d'un liseré carmin. Feuillage lustré, très résistant. Végétation très haute.
Book (1981) Page(s) 63. Don Sheppard. Symposium of Hybrid Tea Roses. Canterbury Rose Society 1980. Young Quinn From McGredy a few years back. It is not in Modern Roses 8. It is of upright growth habit and of average height. Has good straight stems, with heavy foliage and no diseases appear to bother it. The smallish two-toned yellow edged with red blooms have no real form, but there are always plenty on the bush. They are good for vase work and last well, and do not fade. A good yellow garden rose.
Book (1980) Page(s) 115. Review of Newer Roses Young Quinn Yellow. 10 reports. 4 years. 180cm. rating 5.1. Sth Canterbury: Coarse, husky bush. Disappointing. Gisborne: Also ran. Auckland: Too tall and too few blooms. Chop.
Book (1979) Page(s) 15. Review of New Roses 1978-1979 Young Quinn Yellow. 17 reports. 3 years. Av. ht 170cm. Rating 5.6. Auckland: Very vigorous but few blooms so off to the horse meat factory. Gisborne: Blooms too coarse, split centres. Manawatu: This is a complete washout; seven feet high.