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The Friends of Vintage Roses, Willits, CA
Uploaded 8 MAR |
Roseto Botanico "Carla Fineschi" -Cavriglia, Italy - June 2008
Uploaded 22 JUN 09 |
October 21, 2006 at the Hana Festa Memorial Park, Gifu, Japan. Mislabeled as 'Coronation' by Dickson.
Courtesy of roseum.net.
Uploaded 22 MAY 17 |
Roseto Botanico "Carla Fineschi" -Cavriglia, Italy - June 2009
Uploaded 22 JUN 09 |
Ellen og Hugo Lykkes planteskole, Søby, Denmark, July 17, 2009
Uploaded 4 AUG 09 |
Ellen og Hugo Lykkes planteskole, Søby, Denmark, July 17, 2009
Uploaded 4 AUG 09 |
Charles Quest-Ritson, never one to be subtle, says, “This is rather a scruffy, small-flowered rambler of the ‘Dorothy Perkins’ type, with semi-double bright pale crimson flowers, spattered and flaked with white flashes. It is a strong, late-flowering plant and very hardy.”
2 favorite votes. |
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