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'Your Garden Rose' Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 121-453
most recent 9 MAY 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 9 MAY 20 by Michael Garhart
Canadian Rose Annual (1996): "TINO ROSSI, HT (Meilland int '90) [Pink Panther x (Dream x Jardins de
Bagatelle)]. MP, neyron pink, 50-55 petals, very fragrant. Bagetelle FA '89."
Discussion id : 58-560
most recent 12 NOV 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 NOV 11 by SteveinAus
Very strong growing variety, with large, well formed, rose pink blooms, that are saturated with a very strong, delicious fragrance. One of the very best fragrant light to mid pink varieties on the market here in Australia, along with the likes of Aotearoa (New Zealand), The Children's Rose (Fredric Mistral), Radox Bouquet, Heaven Scent (Memorial Day) and Bewitched.
Discussion id : 38-092
most recent 19 JUL 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 JUL 09 by AnneU
Per site, Tino Rossi is also known as MEIcelna, Your Garden, Your Garden Rose
Discussion id : 38-091
most recent 19 JUL 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 JUL 09 by AnneU
Per site, Tino Rossi is also known as MEIcelna, Your Garden, Your Garden Rose.
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