Book (2000) Page(s) 76. ‘Amanda’/BEEsian = Floribunda – jaune moyen, remontant. …De taille moyenne, formées de petits pétales raides à bords frisottés, elles se nuancent de rose orangé avec l’âge… Il n’a pas fait la carrière qu’il méritait, peut-être parce que son obtenteur a cédé son affaire peu après son introduction. Bees UK 1979. ‘Arthur Bell’ x ‘Zambra’.
Book (1996) Page(s) 13. Amanda (BEEsian) Cluster flower (Floribunda) bush, wavy-petalled double yellow blooms, edged pink, light scent. 'Arthur Bell' x Zambra'. Bees (England) 1979.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 12. Amanda Floribunda, medium yellow, 1979, (BEEsian); 'Arthur Bell' x 'Zambra'; Bees Ltd. Description.
Book (May 1992) Page(s) 260. Amanda (Beesian) Description... clear yellow flowers which are fully double and produced in good, large clusters...
Book (1981) Page(s) 48. E. F. Allen, Awards To New Rose Seedlings In Great Britain In 1980. 'Amanda' - BEEsian ('Arthur Bell' x 'Zambra'). A floribunda, by Bees of Chester, with large heads of unscented, deep yellow flowers which do not fade but sometimes spot badly in wet weather. Trial Ground Certificate