'Leonard Barron' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 310. Leonard Barron Hybrid Tea, salmon-copper and shell-pink, 1931, 'Schoener's Nutkana' x 'Souv. de Mme. Boullet'; Nicolas; Conard-Pyle...
Book (1958) Page(s) 200. Leonard Barron. HT. (Nicolas; int. C-P, '31.) Schoener's Nutkana X Souv. de Mme. Boullet. Bud pointed; fl. very large, dbl., fragrant, salmon-copper and shell-pink. Fol. leathery. Bushy. ARS David Fuerstenberg Prize, '33.
Book (1936) Page(s) 54. Barron, Leonard (HT) Nicolas 1930; Schoener's Nutkana X Sv. M. Boullet; tan yellow to coppery salmon, outer petals mother-of-pearl-pink, fragrance 5/10 (tea), floriferous, growth 6/10. Sangerhausen
Article (misc) (2 Mar 1935) Page(s) 92. I rather like the giant blooms of 'Leonard Barron', and its color and ancestry are unique.
Book (1935) Page(s) 16. Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1935. Governor Alfred E. Smith. (Veuve Denoyel, 1933) and Leonard Barron (Nicolas, 1931) appear to be very much alike. Buds are short, opening into large flowers which fade to pale pink. The plants have a Pernetiana appearance and the petals number from eighty upwards.
Website/Catalog (1935) Page(s) 40. New Roses 1935. Leonard Barron (HT. Conard Pyle 1931) Created by Dr. J. H. Nicolas from the Eskimo wild rose, 'Nutkana'. A hybrid tea in appearance but extremely hardy. Mammoth blooms often 6 inches across; very full; salmon with glow of amber; wild rose perfume. Always in bloom. 4/- each. Large, double flowers, which fade to an attractive pale pink. A very interesting variety.
Magazine (Jul 1930) Page(s) 84. Concours [de Bagatelle] de 1930-1931.... Léonard Barron, H. de Nutkana, de J.-H. Nicolas (U. S. A.), arbuste vigoureux caractérisé par le beau feuillage large, du type botanique ; la fleur, très grosse et très pleine, est d'un rose particulier.