Gardening Illustrated (November 3, 1906) p. 497 ROSE LA FRANCE DE '89. Many growers miss a fine pillar or wall Rose when they ignore this variety. I believe the way to display its undoubted charms is to plant the variety against an eastern or western wall, or even a north wall. The blossoms droop by their great weight and a weakness of stem, but when against a wall this is not so evident. For covering a moderate space, say 7 feet to 8 feet each way, it is a far more useful Rose than Reine Marie Henriette, beautiful as this is when doing well and free from mildew, which is very seldom. The foliage shows this Rose to be a hybrid, but from what it is difficult to say. Of course, the old La France has no relation to it whatever. Rather do I think it sprang from Mme. Isaac Pereire, the Hybrid Bourbon. The form is of the "Cabbage" sort, and it is not a very double flower. The colour is a rosy-red, of a very dazzling hue when in its summer freshness. There was a variety sent out a few years ago named Marguerite Appert, which, if not the same as La France de '89, is much too near. Rosa.