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'Karaïskaki' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 64-179
most recent 9 MAY 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 9 MAY 12 by Grntrz5
This rose was probably named after George Karaiskakis (born Georgios Iskos), but looking at the references listed here, the name is given as "La Karaïskaki" so the question is who is this rose named for? Mme. Karaiskaki, or the famous war general? If "La" should have been "Le" this mis-translation or misprint from 1838 is causing a bit of confusion.

Some info on the general:

Karaïskaki and Kawkasskaja are probably the same rose with different spellings due to language. In Greece the word can be split Kara-iskaki:

Kara = land, dark, black in Turkish
ki = "of" in Turkish
iska = after his last name 'Iskos'

Although "Kraskoje Kawaskole" is linked as a synonym for this rose at HMF it might be, or it might be a different rose, a found rose. When I took a second look translating it, I came up with an alternative translation::

Kra = Slovenian for king
skoje = is this a variation of Skopje, a city in Macedonia ?
Kawa = black, dark, coffee
skole = I can't seem to come up with good translation; is it broken up differently? Kaw / "askole" ? if that the case is, then it is very close to the Greek "iska", or Iskos, the family name of the war general George Karaiskakis.

If the translation above is closer, then "Kraskoje Kawaskole" and ""Kawkasskaja" would be the same rose.
If (and note the "La") "La Karaïskaki" really is a dark purple-red rose, then there are still two different roses, one named for the General, and the other darker one for his wife.

If Cliff Orent's "Kraskoje Kawaskole" blooms and looks like Bernard Loubert's rose then we probably have a match. If Cliff's rose turns out to be a different color, then we might have another set of questions.

My first attempt to translate this name was "Beautiful Coffeehouse Rose" in a Slavic language:

Kawa = Polish for coffee, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian = kava for coffee
Kraskoje = Czech, Slovak (krasny) for beautiful
Skole = group, gathering Croatian (skup) Czech, Slovenian (skupina)

"Kraska Kawasaki" is the Georgian version of "Kraskoje Kawaskole , but Google won't translate this further.

"Krasnaja" is also given as a synonym at HMF, but under comments for "Kawkasskaja" it was suggested that it should not be used.

I would second that, I didn't find any link to "Krasnaja" when researching "Kawkasskaja", "La Karaïskaki" or "Kraskoje Kawaskole.

It would be great If there is a person who can translate these words, there is such an overlapping of languages that it takes some doing to sort out the meanings. A picture is worth a thousand words!!!
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