'Hawlmark Crimson' rose Photos
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Hawlmark Crimson x unknown. . 52 big fat seeds
I won’t hold my breath. Just read the 1927 reference.
Uploaded 12 APR 21 |
From "The Book of Roses", by Dr. G. Griffin Lewis, 1931, facing p.32
Uploaded 24 NOV 16 |
‘Hawlmark Crimson’. Own roots at Northcliffe, W.A. Jan 11, 2021, site Bon-N-17. Provenance: Mrs. Sheila Gravett, Manjimup, in 2001. Bush
Uploaded 11 JAN 21 |
Flower of Hawlmark Crimson peeping through purple new foliage. 9-2-15. From Mrs Gravet's garden, Manjimup
Uploaded 30 MAR 15 |
‘Hawlmark Crimson’. Own roots at Northcliffe, W.A. Feb 14, 2020, site Ult-S-front-15. Provenance: My garden, site Bon-N-17 in 2016; and originally from Mrs. Sheila Gravett, Manjimup, in 2001. This little new plant is slow, but doing well.
The main cane of another 2016 cutting-grown plant of Hawlmark Crimson suddenly died at Northcliffe last week and plant itself may or may not have died. Sheila Gravett’s original bush was probably on rootstock and would have been a long-lived plant, although it was not looking too happy when I struck it in 2001.
Uploaded 15 FEB 20 |
Bud of Hawlmark Crimson. 31-3-15. From Mrs Gravet's garden, Manjimup
Uploaded 30 MAR 15 |
‘Hawlmark Crimson’. Own roots at Northcliffe, W.A. Feb 14, 2020, site Bon-N-17. Provenance: Mrs. Sheila Gravett, Manjimup, in 2001. Not terribly vigorous, but doing OK. I understand three plants have died in the Perth heat this summer.
Uploaded 15 FEB 20 |
Hawlmark Crimson 27-3-15. From Mrs Gravett's garden, Manjimup.
Uploaded 30 MAR 15 |
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