Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 200. Includes photo(s). Golden Jewel ('Goldjuwel', 'Bijou d'Or') Cluster-flowered. Parentage: 'Goldilocks' x ;Masquerade'. Mathias Tantau 1959. Description... globular canary-yellow flowers in rather open clusters...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 215. Golden Jewel Floribunda, golden yellow, 1959, ('Bijou d'Or'; 'Goldjuwel'); 'Goldilocks' x 'Masquerade' seedling; Tantau, Math. Description.
Website/Catalog (1971) Page(s) back cover. Includes photo(s). BIJOU D'OR la pièce 6 F les dix 58 F
Website/Catalog (1970) Includes photo(s). BIJOU D'OR (TANbi 369) La pièce 5,50 - Les dix 53
Website/Catalog (1968) Page(s) 29. Includes photo(s). (photo): BIJOU D'OR La pièce 5 Les dix 48
p. 29: BIJOU D'OR, Tanbi 00369 F.D. (Tantau 1959). PRO[tégée]....Fleurs bien rondes et très doubles d'un coloris jaune d'or lumineux, boutons trapus, feuillage vert clair. VB[végétation basse]. Certificats Rome et Madrid. Classée Rose A.D.R. en Allemagne.
Magazine (Feb 1965) Page(s) 1. trimester, p. 14. Liste des VARIETES NOUVELLES éditées en FRANCE et enregistrées par le Syndicat National des Producteurs de Nouveautés au 31 Décembre 1964.... Rosa Flo TANbi 0369 F D, 1956, Bijou d'Or, Lieu et numéro d'enregistrement en France - , No d'enregistrement international 227 545 , Obtenteur Tantau, Editeur N.I.R.P.
Magazine (Nov 1961) Page(s) 4. trimester, p. 24. Concours International de Roses de la Ville d'Orléans ....ROSIERS A FLORAISON EN BOUQUETS (1960-1961)...Un Premier Certificat au rosier : GOLDJUWEL. — Obtenteur : Rosen Math Tantau, Tornescher Weg 13, Uetersen in Holst (Allemagne).
Book (1961) Page(s) 15. Dr. A. S. Thomas. New Roses in Victoria Goldjuwel Florib. (Tantau 1958) Another clear unfading yellow to add to 'Allgold', 'Gold Cup' and 'Starlet' to replace all earlier yellow Floribundas. Very fine.
Book (1960) Page(s) 22. Edgar M Allen. The British National Rose Society's 1959 Show Awards to New Seedlings. Certificate of Merit. Golden Jewel Fl. (Tantau). A canary-yellow Floribunda that has kept its badly-wanted colour right through the summer heat. A German-produced rose to stimulate and charm — one that appealed to me tremendously at the trials, and seemed to be thoroughly satisfactory in every way. Any Australian immigration restrictions, most certainly, should be waived for this one.
Book (1960) Page(s) 152. Includes photo(s). p96. Photo Golden Jewel
p152. Show Awards and Trial Ground Awards 1959. Certificate of Merit to Golden Jewel (flori) Trial Ground No. 1529.Reg No. 575. Raiser M.Tantau, Germany. Distributors Wheatcroft Bros. Ltd., Ruddington. Growth vigorous and bushy with plentiful dark green glossy foliage 16. Freedom from disease 16. Blooms full and double 3 inches across when open in well spaced trusses, Pale Canary Yellow no 2/2, paling slightly towards margins 16. Freedom of flowering 15. General effect 7. Fragrance 5.
p154. Trial Ground Certificate Golden Jewel