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'Golden Jubilee' rose References
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 215.  
Golden Jubilee Floribunda, golden yellow, becoming buff and chrome, 1948, ('Mary Wallace' x 'Talisman') x 'Mrs. Pierre S. duPont'; Jacobus. Description.
(1975)  Page(s) 17-18, vol. 6, no. 2.  
William J. Radler, Greendale, Wisconsin
Another consistently outstanding rose for many years has been Golden Jubilee, a floriferous yellow floribunda. It seems to be of average hardiness with protection in this area, but its claim to fame might be that from our experience it has been completely resistant to spider mites. Since it has never been bothered by this pest, it comes back vigorously each year unlike other varieties of floribundas that are especially loved by spider mites. I have a suspicion that this rose might not make a very fertile parent. If this is true, perhaps the chromosomes could be doubled by the drug colchicine? Is anyone else  interested in a spider mite free class of roses?
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