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'Super Bowl' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 13-920
most recent 18 JUN 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 4 SEP 06 by portlandtemple


We have a beautiful Rose Garden. We are looking for rose plants "COLOGNE".

We used to buy it from Edmunds Roses, Wilsonville, Oregon. Now they are not in business now.

We have 600+ roses in our lot in this Non-profit organization.

Can anyone suggest where we can get rose plants COLOGNE, Sheer Bliss, Home and Family.

Is it possible to a get list  of Nurseries in Oregon who sells above rose plansts.

Thank you for your reply in advance.

Thanks, Venky.  Pls call me if you have any questions #@ 503-629-9457



Reply #1 of 6 posted 5 SEP 06 by Jim Delahanty


CLR2006 lists both Cologne and Sheer Bliss as available at  Roses N.W. in Tualitin OR:

503.692.30666.  (no internet site listed).


 Home & Family is lsited at Regan Nursery ( but they are not now shipping; a few other nurseries were listed but not in the PNW>



Reply #4 of 6 posted 14 SEP 06 by portlandtemple

Thank you for your input. I apprecaite your help.

Now only I was able to read the replies.

Thanks, Venky.


Reply #5 of 6 posted 18 JUN 22 by Michael Garhart
Roses N.W. hasn't really existed for 20 years. There is still a home there with tons of roses, as it is easily visible from the highway, but there is no business there.
Reply #2 of 6 posted 5 SEP 06 by Wendy C

Someone has picked up the ball and a new catalog for Edmund's Roses is in the works according to the website. You could also check with Rogue Valley Roses, an own root nursery in Oregon.


Reply #3 of 6 posted 6 SEP 06 by HMF Admin
You might also check the "Buy From" tab for this rose.  We list 3 different suppliers.  If you find they no longer carry it please let us know so we can update our site.
Reply #6 of 6 posted 18 JUN 22 by Michael Garhart
If you are still around, contact Portland Rose Society and ask them. A member may have cuttings of it.
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