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'Ultimate Pleasure' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 64-664
most recent 28 MAY 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 MAY 12 by LauraG
As others have stated, this rose blooms its little heart out - and then blooms some more. It's probably the most disease-resistant mini I have - I live in San Diego, and powdery mildew is a big issue because of the cool damp nights and warm days, but I don't think I've ever seen it on this rose. It's also very resistant to rust. My plant is over 10 years old and still going strong!
Discussion id : 62-581
most recent 10 MAR 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 MAR 12 by anonymous-3133212
Available from - Two sisters
Discussion id : 17-388
most recent 23 MAR 11 SHOW ALL
Initial post 18 MAR 07 by HanfordRose
I have grown more than 2,500 varieties of rose, and this is one of my top 3 roses ever. It is in a 3 way tie for the best rose that I have ever grown.

I grew this rose longer than any person in the world, because I owned the original plant for many years, before I finally decided to introduce it as the last letter of the Dee Bennett alphabet of roses. I saved the best for last.

This is a perfect rose, gorgeous color, form and foliage on a huge (about 3 x 3 foot bush) that make non-stop bouquets of flowers. This is a great rose for garden display and for harvest cut flowers for the house or the trophy table. I have never seen disease on any plant of this rose.

If I could only have 3 roses, this would be one of them.
Reply #1 of 10 posted 19 MAR 07 by digger
Sue forced me to get this rose in 2001. Ultimate Pleasure took a few years to get established in zone 4/5. It has become everything she promised and a little more.

Reply #2 of 10 posted 18 FEB 10 by Leslie Davis
I was looking for more info on this today, I have to measure mine it's closer to 5x5, I had to put square tomato cages around it last summer, it was a runaway. Sprinklers were knocking the rose bloom heavy canes down.
Reply #3 of 10 posted 18 MAY 10 by timdufelmeier
Great, now that you've turned me on to UP, I see that the shut down NorEast was the only source. Do you think that Burlington in Visalia will have it? Are you in the Hanford next door.
Anything with Gene Boerner as a mommy or daddy has got to be great. I don't even like coral but I love that rose!
Reply #4 of 10 posted 18 MAY 10 by Sue Curry
I now live in the high desert community of Silver Springs, Nevada...far from Visalia. Greenheart (aka Nor'East) is still around. They are now wholesale only, but they may be able to recommend a source. I am sure that Ultimate Pleasure was not just stopped as a production plant for them. Call Greenheart and ask for help in locating a plant. They might still be able to help you.
Reply #5 of 10 posted 18 MAY 10 by timdufelmeier
THANKS FOR THE TIP. I am going to check out Vislalia's Burlington Rose Nursery, which is owned by a former Ralph Moore colleague the next time I visit my brother in Porterville. I think Greehheart listed them as an outlet for their stock.
What do you think of Always a Lady and Little Carol? I locared AAL from Johns Roses but I fear Lil Carol maybe unavailable.
Reply #6 of 10 posted 18 MAY 10 by Sue Curry
As for Always A Lady and Little Carol, I love them both and have in my garden here. Always A Lady will stay about knee as rule and make a bounty of fragrant, lavender blooms. Little Carol will make a MUCH LARGER plant, even 5 to 6 feet tall. It is NOT A CLIMBER; it is just a magnificent, generous bush which makes for a great hedge or background rose. The blooms are mini flora size and deep pink. The flowers are heavily-petaled and last a long time on the plant for a superior garden display.

Mom named this rose for my oldest friend. Little Carol and I have been friends for almost 61 years. She is only 4 foot 7 inches, and her namesake rose is one of the biggest roses that Mom ever created. That's why it has a big spot in my garden to fill. Give it at least 4 feet of growing ground.
Reply #7 of 10 posted 18 MAY 10 by timdufelmeier
OMG! You are the GREAT Dee Bennett's kid! My best friend used to go to Tiny Petals Nursey all the time in 90s. Sometimes he would pick up orders for me. He had even relayed that story you just mentioned about LIL CAROL's short namesake, because I loved the rose so much. Did you work in the nursery? I think he mentioned that he had met her daughter and son-in-law. I had both AAL and Lil Carol (my fave!) for years, but gave them away in 2002. I had to get rid of 85 roses on order from the City of LA, because I had planted them in the parking strip. They claimed it had become a traffic hazzard.
I used to visit a beautiful mini nursey in Yorba Linda owned by Laurie Chapin a lot too. I loved her roses a lot, but even she agreed that your Mom was the maestro! My sister in law in Silver Lake is gonna die when she finds out you emailed me. She has about 10 or more Bennett minis (but not AAL and LC, dammit).
I will take your tips even more to heart now considering your level of espertise!
Thank you so much.
Reply #8 of 10 posted 19 MAY 10 by Sue Curry
Yes. I am 'the GREAT' Dee Bennett's oldest girl. Mom left our family home and Tiny Petals Nursery to me, when she passed away in 1987, along with all of her remaining test roses. That was quite a responsibility. I spent the next 15 years working in the nursery and introducing her wonderful test roses, including some of Mom's finest, like Irresistible, Ultimate Pleasure, Yantai, Kay Denise...and so many more.

That's why I wanted to get as many of Mom's rose in the ground at my home in Nevada as possible, before Greenheart went totally wholesale. My garden here will never be as grand as my big garden in California, but it is a constant joy to know that some of these roses still are near by. I will be lucky to see blooms for even 3 months in this high desert valley, but Mom's roses are the hardiest I could grow in this awful climate. They came through summer heat and a long, freezing winter with NO PROTECTION at all. I didn't lose a single one, which more than I can say for the big roses.

By the way, my name is Sue Curry. I used to be Sue O'Brien. For some reason, I can't seem to log in on HMF with my name anymore. If you want to contact me away from HMF, my e-mail is

[HMF ed - Sue, we x'd out your email address as you're sure to get spammed by including it in your message text and it's not needed not that you're able to sign on using your original account.]
Reply #9 of 10 posted 19 MAY 10 by HanfordRose
Hurray! I finally got logged on with my HMF screen name. I don't have to be anonymous anymore.
Reply #10 of 10 posted 23 MAR 11 by Leslie Davis
Hate to tell you Sue, but Always A Lady hit 5' tall now. She likes the heat and now fully mature, stays slim but tall, about 3=1/2' wide:) Thanks for the roses! All of them with the exception of My Sunshine are stellar tall minis, I have to keep telling people they're minis. mini refers to the bloom not the rose, lol*
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