'Charlie's Aunt' rose References
Booklet (2008) An Information List of all Varieties. p4 1964. Charlie's Aunt - 58/3113
Book (2000) Page(s) 157. Includes photo(s). ‘Charlie’s Aunt’ = Hybride de Thé… très grande fleur odorante éclôt avec un cœur pointu, puis elle éploie sa corolle d’un ton crème lumineux envahi de carmin depuis la lisière de ses 65 pétales. Généreux en fleurs dignes de concours, c’est un rosier vigoureux, au feuillage sombre et sain. McGredy, Nouvelle-Zélande, 1965.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 87. Charlie's Aunt Hybrid Tea, cream, heavily suffused rose, 1965, 'Golden Masterpiece' x 'Karl Herbst'; McGredy, S., IV. Description.
Book (1988) Page(s) 138 & 139. Includes photo(s). Charlie's Aunt Description.
Book (1975) Page(s) 106. Dr. A. S. Thomas, Victoria. Some of the New Ones. Charlie's Aunt, HT . (McGredy, 1963) ('Golden Masterpiece' x 'Karl Herbot'). Similar in colour to 'Kordes' Perfecta' but slightly smaller and it has excellent form in the spring. Young growth is red. I have seen it staged very well in England in 1963, 1968 and 1973 but it has never been imported to Australia until a friend sent me bud-sticks in 1973. McGredy has never listed it in his catalogue but gave plants to a couple of England's best exhibitors.
Book (1974) Page(s) 98. If stories told about all royal roses were really true then there is a third rose on the market that is identified with Princess Margaret. The story goes that Sam McGredy IV wanted to name a very fine bicolour in honour of the Princess but royal approval was not forthcoming. Sam, never at a loss for words, is said to have replied: "Right then, she's Charlie's aunt isn't she? So 'Charlie's Aunt' it will be". The truth is different. "Princess Margaret would have to pay to have a rose named after her by me," Sam told me. "I did not volunteer. I had a series of seedlings named Able, Baker, Charlie, Dog, etc after the naval alphabet. 'Charlie's Aunt' was simply an aunt of Charlie - it was sold under that code name and the purchasers kept it!" Had it received a bigger commercial push or a royal name 'Charlies Aunt' would be better known today. Occasionally it is seen in show exhibits; and only in 1972, seven years after its introduction, did it deservedly make its way into the popularity charts of the RNRS.
Book (1972) Page(s) 60. The Final Analysis 1970-71 Season. 'Charlie's Aunt'. N.R.S. rating 6.5. A real "notty" rose. Nearly every report has a "not" in it, such as Not enough blooms; Not weather resistant. Not vigorous enough. Growth tends to be one sided. The occasional magnificent bloom wins it a reprieve each time. Blackspot.
Book (1971) Page(s) 132. p131 National Rose Society of New Zealand. Review of Newer Roses 1970-71. 'Charlie's Aunt'. 13 Reports. 4 years. Average height 48". N.R.S. rating 5.9. Wanganui: Touchy soul, offends easily but worth cossetting. Manawatu: One of our favourites. Should be grown more often. Gisborne: Lopsided growth, nice blooms but a bit shy. Falls short of perfection.
Book (1970) Page(s) 150. Dr. Thomas, [Victoria]. The New Ones. On the other hand some have not been imported, notably Charlie's Aunt (I have seen it exhibited in London in 1963 and 1968 - resembles 'Kordes' Perfecta' but has a good stem and is refined in the Spring).
Book (1967) Page(s) 129. Includes photo(s). [Photo] 'Charlie's Aunt' (H.T.). 'Golden Masterpiece' x 'Karl Herbst'. Raised by S. McGredy IV, N. Ireland. Trial Ground Certificate 1962.