'Killarney Brilliant' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 287. Killarney Brilliant Hybrid Tea, brilliant pink to rosy carmine, 1914, 'Killarney' sport; Dickson, A. Description.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 279. Killarney Brilliant Hybrid Tea. A. Dickson, 1914. Sport of 'Killarney' (Hybrid Tea). The author cites information from different sources... Clear rosy crimson...
Book (1991) Page(s) 413. Killarney Brilliant Hybrid Tea. A. Dickson 1914. Sport of 'Killarney'. The author cites information from different sources... clear rosy crimson...
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 25. Bush Roses Killarney Brilliant (Hybrid Tea) By Dicksons of Hawlmark, 1914... Deep rosy carmine. Sport from above [Killarney]. Faint perfumed.
Book (1936) Page(s) 385. Killarney, Brilliant (HT) A. Dickson 1914; improved sport of Killarney; glossy deep flesh-pink to light carmine, large to very large, well double, fragrance 7/10, growth 6/10, upright. Sangerhausen
Book (1936) Page(s) 385. Killarney Brilliant (HT) A.Dickson 1914; improved sport of Killarney; glossy deep flesh-pink to light carmine, large to very large, well double, fragrance 7/10, growth 6/10, upright.
Website/Catalog (1929) Page(s) 20. Everblooming Roses The so-called Everblooming Roses include the Hybrid Tea and Pernetiana groups. They do not bloom all the time, but if kept healthy and growing steadily, one crop of flowers succeeds another at brief intervals. Killarney Brilliant. Hybrid Tea. (A. Dickson & Sons, 1914.) Brilliant dark pink buds and flowers of Killarney type. Excellent in growth and bloom. A darker Killarney, discarded by many because of mildew in damp regions.
Website/Catalog (1928) Page(s) 14. Hybrid Teas, Teas and Pernetiana. Killarney Brilliant. Hybrid Tea. (A. Dickson & Sons, 1914.) Sport from Killarney. Same growth and style as Killarney and, like it, varies considerably in color. In shady weather it is almost deep crimson.
Website/Catalog (1926) Page(s) 100. Killarney Brilliant (1914) (Hybride de thé). Accident fixé de la var. « Killarney », dont elle a gardé tous les caractères avec l'avantage de produire des fl. plus gr. et plus pl„ d'un coloris plus riche et odor.
Magazine (Mar 1922) Page(s) 18-9. "New Roses for the Garden" by Charles E. F. Gersdorff Deeper pinks, ranging from salmon to deep rose, are well represented. Another sport of Killarney (Alex. Dickson & Sons in 1914 and Dreer in America) called Killarney Brilliant, has shown itself to be a reliable garden Rose; it is more free in bloom, and a better grower than its parent, with deeper clear pink blooms.