Website/Catalog (2012) Page(s) 61. Includes photo(s). Anny, Pere Dot, 1949, miniature, hybrid of rosa indica minima, pinkish white, mini, double 30 petals, very small, elegant buds, 1/2 in. large, leafy sepals, 6 in. high, Pompon de Paris X Perla de Montserrat. According to mfd10 rouletti X Perla de Montserrat. High vegetation, bibliography: RE-LD, mcf10
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 22. Anny Miniature, pale pink fading white, 1949, 'Rouletii' x 'Perla de Montserrat'; Dot, P. Description.
Book (1958) Page(s) 47. S. Mason. Miniature Roses in New Zealand. The most popular varieties are Anny, white with a touch of pink.
Website/Catalog (1958) Page(s) 33. Fairy or Miniature Roses. Anny Double pale pink.
Book (1958) Page(s) 13. Anny. Min. (P. Dot, '49.) R. rouletii X Perla de Montserrat. Very small (½ in.), dbl. (30 petals), pale pink fading white. Long leafy sepals. Ht. 6 in. (14)
Book (1954) Page(s) 203. Anny
Article (magazine) (Dec 1950) Page(s) 267. Anny Miniature. Pedro Dot 1949. Description.
Magazine (Feb 1950) Page(s) 26. Registration Internationale des Noms de Roses ....Anny, Min - Pedro Dot