'MACsatur' rose References
Website/Catalog (25 Jan 2016) Includes photo(s). Name: Saturday® Synonyms: ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Saturday® HT, pb, McGredy, Sam IV; flowers rose pink with yellow tones in center, large, dbl., borne singly and several together, slight fragrance; recurrent; foliage dark green; stems strong; strong, upright (100 cm.) growth Introductions:1990
Website/Catalog (22 Jan 2016) Registered Name: 'Macsatur' Synonyms: 'Pink Charm' ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Penthouse Photo: Gerri Guerino HT, mp, 1988, McGredy, Sam IV; flowers large, dbl., high-centered, moderate fragrance; foliage large, medium green, matte; bushy growth [seedling × Ferry Porsche]
Book (Feb 2009) Page(s) 130. Includes photo(s). Penthouse Macnaru / Macsatur: Hybride de Thé. Parents: semis x ‘Ferry Porsche’. Obtenteur: MacGredy 1985. Description.
Booklet (2008) Seedling Books NZ 1986-End. 1985-1986. 1982 p26 Auckland Metro. MACbucpal. Buckingham Palace Sexy Rexy x Saturday
Book (2007) Saturday Hybrid Tea, pink blend, Sam McGredy IV. Introduced 1990. Includes description.
Book (2005) Page(s) 187. Penthouse (MACsatur 'Pink Charm'). HT. mp. McGredy 1988. MR11 - SS9 (Jan Spek Rozen, The Netherlands)
'Penthouse' - [which one?] BB8, LL8, RR7 (The Rose Garden, South Australia), SS1, VV1
Book (2002) Page(s) 201. Saturday HT. pb McGredy 1990 MR11. - HH7 (Richard Huber AG, Switzerland)
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 332. 'MACnauru', HT, mp, 1988; ('MACnaru', 'MACsatur', Penthouse); description; (Unnamed seedling X Ferry Porsche); McGredy, SamIV
'MACnauru', HT, mp, 1987; ('MACngauru', Metropolitan, Penthouse', West Coast ®), description; (((Yellow Pages X Kabuki X Golden Gate) X (Unnamed Poulsen seedling X Picasso)); McGredy, SamIV; McGredy Roses International, 1986
Book (1997) Page(s) 79. From Holland. Results of Trial Ground in The Hague. Bronze Certificate Penthouse from McGredy.
Website/Catalog (1995) Page(s) 22, 25 (photo). Includes photo(s). Saturday [Text as in 1991]