Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 179. GANa, F, mp, 1991; (David Whitfield); Gandy
Book (2000) Page(s) 193. ‘David Whitfield’ /GANa = Floribunda… grandes fleurs doubles, d’un rose de porcelaine, en bouquets lâches au parfum léger… abondant feuillage ample et sombre. Il est dédié à une figure familière du monde des variétés britanniques. Gandy, UK, 1991.
Website/Catalog (Aug 1998) Page(s) 12. David Whitfield (GANa) Floribunda. Gandy 1991... Hybrid Tea flowers of a fluorescent pink towards purple... Named for the internationally famous singer of the early 50's...
Website/Catalog (2 Jul 1998) Page(s) 20. David Whitfield (GANa) Floribunda. Gandy (England) 1991... rich pink blooms... Named for the internationally famous singer of the 50's
Book (1996) Page(s) 28-29. David Whitfield (GANa) Cluster-Flowered (Floribunda)... clusters of double deep china pink blooms... Seedling of 'Kerryman'. Gandy (England) 1991. Named in memory of the singer who lived 1926-1980.