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'Marcel Bourgouin' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 98-367
most recent 27 APR 18 SHOW ALL
Initial post 3 APR 17 by CybeRose
It seems odd that this old rose could have been the pollen parent of 'Amberlight' [(Seedling x Lavender Pinocchio) x Marcel Bourgouin]. Just another of the mysteries of rose breeding.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 3 APR 17 by jedmar
In "Classic Roses" of Beales notes that he worked for the late Edward LeGrice when he crossed this (Marcel Bourgoin) and 'Tuscany Superb', among others, with modern roses to breed his famous range of unusually coloured modern varieties... I think 'Amberlight' was an intermediate step for breeding purposes. 'Amberlight''s offspring 'Tom Brown' was then widely used for further breeding. What is interesting is that while 'Marcel Bourgoin' is once-blooming, its descendants were repeat bloomers.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 27 APR 18 by CybeRose
Perhaps the rebloom came from the pollen parent, 'Abel Carriere'.
Discussion id : 47-086
most recent 22 JUN 15 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 JUL 10 by kev
the only picture posted for this rose is not the correct one as it depicts a pink rose and this rose is a dark purple red.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 25 JUL 10 by HMF Admin
Yes, most likely an incorrect photo. Hopefully we'll hear from the contributor and she can comment on where it was taken.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 22 JUN 15 by Alma
Last weekend I saw a wrongly labelled light pink rose at Sangerhausen. Maybe the photo was taken there.
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