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'Bluewunder' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 52-620
most recent 1 MAR 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 FEB 11 by nsdjohn
I don't think that this rose could possibly be a parent of Fire 'n' Ice as stated, since F'n'I was introduced 10 years earlier. Could there be confusion with Flower Power (also known as Ponderosa) from 1970?
Reply #1 of 3 posted 28 FEB 11 by RoseBlush
I just checked the patent on 'Fire 'n' Ice, you are correct that this rose is not listed in the parentage according to the patent. I change the HMF parentage report to display the fancy names rather than the registered breeder codes for 'Fire 'n' Ice'.

Would you happen to know a source of the full parentage of 'Flower Power - 1995' ?

Reply #2 of 3 posted 1 MAR 11 by nsdjohn
Sorry, Lyn. I do not.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 1 MAR 11 by RoseBlush
Thank you.

We'll work on it.

Discussion id : 22-989
most recent 9 DEC 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 DEC 07 by Beth Clark
Well, I am not sure where the "28 inches" in height has been defined because mine is pushing almost 5 feet in height & spread, even after cutting back severely after its first flush of blooms! Make sure you give this one room to spread & it will reward you amazingly.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 9 DEC 07 by HMF Admin
Thanks for sharing your experience Beth. It would be helpful for our site guests to know a little bit more about you and/or your garden so they can put your posts in perspective - climate, level of experience, etc.

If you click on the green MY HMF navigation menu link you'll find you can now update you registration information to tell us more about yourself. This is optional of course and is purely for letting other site guests know more about you and your garden. Thanks again.
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