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'Nellie Hillock' rose References
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 408.  
Nellie E. Hillock Hybrid Tea, silvery pink, base deep gold, reverse old-rose, 1934, 'Golden Dawn' x Seedling; Hillock. Description.
Book  (1952)  Page(s) 218.  
Nellie E. Hillock, HT (Hillock '34) Golden Dawn x unnamed seedling. Dbl. (60 petals), cupped, peony form, fragrant, silvery pink, deep gold base, revers old rose. Fol. leathery, dark. Low, spreading. Pat 185.
Book  (1938)  Page(s) 207.  
Proof of the Pudding. 'Nellie E. Hillock'. Foote, Mass., claims it is very much like 'Queensland Beauty' except the growth, the Australian variety being the stronger grower, but she says 'Nellie E. Hillock' has improved the past year......
Cain, Tex., says "the writer knows this rose; knew it while it was aborning; it is not a sport, yet it would be none the less productive, none the less thrifty, and not one whit the less beautiful if it were a sport of 'Golden Dawn', but this remarkable good rose with all its sterling qualities and entrancing beauty did not come into the world by the sport route. This is one of the best; try it! You will like it.
Book  (1938)  Page(s) 84.  
Harry H. Hazlewood. Some Stories Behind Rose Names.
Our last story concerns the “sportive” habit of Golden Dawn. No double somewhat unbalanced by the Rose world’s plaudits, this Rose has sported to pink (or did she blush?) in at least five different localities about the same time. The first one was named Queensland Beauty and was sent to America, where it is being grown in a large way. The second instance was noted in Texas, where an identical sport has been named Nellie E. Hillock, while the third has been named Exquisite by a Sydney nurseryman. (This is the third occasion on which Exquisite has been used as a Rose name for three totally different varieties). The fourth and fifth sports have never been named, but as far as can be seen everyone of these sports is identical. The point for decision, is which name is to stand?
Book  (1937)  Page(s) 196.  Includes photo(s).
Broadly described as a pink Golden Dawn is Nellie E. Hillock (HT. (Hillock, 1934), and those familiar with the excellence of that dwarf yellow Australian rose will understand how good this pink Texas rose must be to meet the comparison. It is spreading in habit, and extremely free in producing its very beautiful flowers. See opposite page.

p197. Picture. Caption: The Hybrid Tea Rose, Nellie E. Hillock.
Book  (1936)  
p99-6. R. Marion Hatton, Secretary, American Rose Society. A Good year in America.
Nellie E. Hillock from V. S. Hillock of Texas, is said to be a cross of Golden Dawn and something. It looks to me like a pink Golden Dawn, with all of Golden Dawn’s fine plant and freedom of bloom.

p100 ibid. The only new rose I have seen from Australia lately is Queensland Beauty, which is catalogued this spring. I do not see a great deal of difference between it and Nellie E. Hillock. They are both good.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 346.  
Hillock, Nellie E. (HT) Hillock 1934; Golden Dawn X ? ; silvery pink, base deep gold, reverse old pink, large, double, cup form, lasting, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, continuous bloom, growth 7/10, upright, 1.20m.
Book  (1935)  
p36-3 Alister Clark. Rose Notes from ‘Glenara”. Mr. Hazlewood reports the appearance of several pink sports from Golden Dawn, and in America, a seedling from it named Nellie E. Hillock is illustrated in the American “Rose Annual”.

p103. Dr. Horace McFarland. Editor of the American “Rose Annual” . We are facing an unusually large number of new varieties; too many, in fact. Out of them there ought to come some really good and desirable advances. My own feeling about it is that we can depend on Token, Alezane and Nellie E. Hillock, at least, as really worth while among the many new Roses....
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