"Grannie's Rose" References
Newsletter (1982) Page(s) 43. Rosa 'Grannies'
Book (1959) Page(s) 225. GRANNIE'S ROSE. From Quebec is apparently a damask rose, the coral pink semi-double flowers are born in clusters over a fairly long period and they also are very fragrant. This grows into a two foot bush and though the tips of the twigs are sometimes winter killed the bush has never yet failed to put on a brave show.
Book (1956) Page(s) 123. In "New Approach To the Breeding of Hardy Roses," Dr. F. L. Skinner discusses using hardy old garden roses in breeding: In recent years quite a number of dwarf varieties of the old roses that are sufficiently hardy to flower in Manitoba without protection have become available and the following have all ripened fruit out of doors in Manitoba:...Rosa damascena rubrotincta, a Damascena variety received from eastern Canada as the Grannie Rose...
Website/Catalog (1955) "Grannie's Rose" - One of the old roses, brought to eastern Canada by early settlers, whose real name has long been forgotten. Though it kills back a bit, it can be relied upon to survive our winters without protection and flowers freely. Flowers are in clusters of 5 to 7 semi-double clear pink, very fragrant, in June-July. Each...$2.00
Article (misc) (27 Mar 1951) Personal correspondence - From F.G. Robinson to A.K. Grimmer.
I have no horticultural genealogy for the "Granny Rose". All I know about it is that when my father, mother and I were marooned by a wash-out near Bury, Que. in 1900, we were quartered with a most pleasant gentleman on his farm. Around his house, at the end of June, there were masses of Granny Roses blooming. My mother admired them; and in the autumn he sent her at Saint John, N.B. some roots.They thrived and multiplied, and are still blooming in the garden there. From these I cut roots which did well in Calgary, Alta.; in Lachute, Que.; at Montreal; and now at Vaudreuil on Lake of Two Mountains near Montreal. It is named "Granny Rose" for my mother. It is a strong grower and multiplies by sending out runners which thrive if about 6" of root is retained when transplanting. Usually a bush grows to a height of about 4 to 5 ft. Immediately after blooming I thin out the canes, leaving only the strong ones and cut the remaining canes back to about 3 ft. These head out into new branches before the frost. I do not protect them in the winter. In the spring there is frost kill-back of 6" or so. I leave this until the bushes are well headed out in the spring, and then cut out the frost killed tips. These roses are greedy and like a lot of compost and bone meal.