'Rote Mevrouw G.A. van Rossem' rose References
Website/Catalog (1960) Page(s) 17. ROTE VAN ROSSEM (W. Kordès 1934). Rouge cuivré coloris vif. FL [feuillage luisant]. + [conseillées pour fleurs coupées de plein air].
Book (1958) Page(s) 362. Rote Mevrouw G. A. van Rossem. HT. (Kordes, '34.) Mev. G. A. van Rossem sport. Large, dbl., open, very fragrant, nasturtium-red, reverse lightly tinted yellow. Fol. glossy, dark. Vig.
Website/Catalog (1946) Page(s) 24. P[ernetiana]. — ROTE VAN ROSSEM (W. Kordes 1934). Fleur rouge cuivré de bonne forme, coloris très vif.
Book (1944) Page(s) 88. p88. Mr. T. G. Stewart. Decorative Varieties of Merit. Rote Mev. G. A. Van Rossem: A sport having all the good qualities of the parent, Mev. G. A. Van Rossem, but the colour is an orange-red, which makes the bloom outstanding when seen at its best. It is very free-flowering.
Book (1943) Page(s) 72. J. Poulsen, Christchurch, NZ. Southland Roses. One of my plants of Ville de Saverne sported back to Heinrich Wendland, thus proving what I had previously suspected-that it was a sport from that variety. It is rather interesting that both Heinrich Wendland and Mevrouw G. A. Van Rossem should have given deeper coloured sports at about the same time. At their best they are both very fine colours and are attracting considerable attention.
Book (1941) p78. John Poulsen, NZ. South Island Roses. Ville de Saverne has proved to be superior to Rote Merv. G. A. Van Rossem in both growth and colour. The autumn colour-ing of the former has been very fine, but that of the last-named, while good in the bud stage, was rather uninteresting in the open flower.
p98. Mr. T. G. Stewart. The Best of the Latest Importations. I have a very strong leaning to Rote Mev. G. A. van Rossem. I think, when properly known, it will be very popular indeed. Some say it has a tendency to revert back to its parent Mev. G. A. van Rossem, but if it stays fixed it will be a wonderful acquisition. Mev. G. A. van Rossem has proved itself to be an outstanding variety, so a red sport should be even more desirable.
p113. Mr. Frank Mason, New Zealand Rose Rote Mevrouw van Rossem is a beautiful Rose and a sport from Mevrouw G. A. van Rossem. Its growth is like the parent, but the colour is splendid and it opens up well.
Book (1940) p90. John Poulsen, NZ. South Island Roses Rote Merv. G. A. Van Rossem. During the first blooming some flowers showed the ordinary Van Rossem colour, while others answered to the catalogue description. In the second blooming the colour seemed quite fixed and was very fine indeed. It should be wanted.
p118. Mr. T. G. Stewart. The 1940 Novelties. Rote Mev. G. A. van Rossem. Similar in every respect to the parent Mev. G. A. van Rossem, except as to colour, which is a striking nasturtium red.
Book (1939) Page(s) 22. Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1939. Next in performance comes Rote Mev. G. A. Van Rossem, Pernt. (Kordes, 1934) which, as the name indicates, is a "red" sport. This variety was also received early in 1938, so that two seasons' bloom has been under observation. In a few cases reversion to the parent has been noted, but apart from this the nasturtium-red colours have been very vivid.
Website/Catalog (1939) Page(s) 41. New Roses 1939. Rote Mev. G. A. van Rossem (Pernt. Kordes 1934). A sport of 'Mev. G. A. van Rossem' and the same type. Large ovoid bud, opening to an extremely lasting, intensely fragrant, double flower, nasturtium red with very little yellow on reverse of petals. Large, abundant, glossy green foliage, vigorous and upright growth. 5/- each. A few plants have reverted to the original but the balance are a splendid acquisition.
Book (1936) Page(s) 625. van Rossem, Rote Mevrouw G. A. (hybrid lutea) Kordes 1934; sport of above [Mevrouw G. A. van Rossem] cresson-red, reverse light yellow, large, double, lasting, fragrance 6/10, repeats well, habit like above. Sangerhausen