'Punch' rose Reviews & Comments
This is actually a GORGEOUS rose, but it completely defoliates here by August in the PNW :[ I remember that it has Voodoo's thorns, which is typical for Tropicana descendants, but they were not an issue, because it was easy to prune.
Long story short: Great rose if you live in a non-blackspot region.
Initial post
3 FEB 05 by
Unregistered Guest
I bought Modern Magic last year and it started off good, but the canes started dying one by one and suckers started shooting up. Has anyone else had a problem with this rose? I don't know if I just got a bad one, or if it's a common problem with this one.
This is a difficult question for almost any of us to answer without seeing the actual plant you purchased. Not all rose plants of the same variety are necessarily of the same quality. The plant you purchased might not have been a solid plant to begin with, and there may have been problems with the graft, or budding, which caused the rose grafted to the rootstock to die or perform badly. Clearly the rootstock was strong enough to send up suckers, but, of course, that is not the rose you wanted to add to your garden.
If you really like the rose, I would try another plant.
Lyn helpmefind.com
I grow this rose on clay soil in the Southern Santa Clara Valley of Calif. It has been reliable and lovely now for 3 years (30 minutes drip 2 X/week mulched).
Its also available at S & W online.
Initial post
25 FEB 04 by
It's now available from Weeks on-line.