'Duchesse Marie Salviati' rose References
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 344. Duchesse Marie Salviati Tea. Soupert & Notting 1889
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 66. Duchesse Marie Salviati Tea. Soupert & Notting, 1889. From 'Mme. Lambard' x 'Mme. Maurice Kuppenheim'... ground color orange, shaded and touched delicate flesh pink, center peachy red...
Book (1936) Page(s) 642. Salviati, Duchesse Marie (tea) Soup. & Nott. 1890; M. Lombard X Mme. M. Kuppenheim; orange-chrome-yellow, shaded flesh-pink, center peach-red, occasionally pure saffron-yellow, large, double, fine form, opens, fragrance 6/10 (violets), floriferous, continuous bloom, growth 6/10. Sangerhausen
Book (1912) Page(s) 68. Race des Thé non sarmenteux. Groupe C.- Thé divers et non encore classés. Duchesse Maria Salviati, Madame Lombard x Madame Maurice Kuppenheim. Soupert et Notting 1890. Chrome orange nuancé de rose très belle, donne parfois des fleurs jaune safran.- fl. grande, pleine, chiffonnée, odorante; vigueur moyenne. Pour couper les fleurs.
Magazine (3 Jun 1911) Page(s) 266. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Duchesse Marie Salviatti [sic]... Tea, Soupert, 1889, Mme. Lambard X Mme. Maurice Kuppenheim
Website/Catalog (1907) Page(s) 28. Duchesse Marie Salviati (Soupert & Notting 1890) chrome-orange, shaded tender flesh-pink, center saffron-yellow, violets fragrance, first class beauty, strongly fragrant
Magazine (Jul 1906) Page(s) 268. Association horticole lyonnaise Procès-verbal de l’Assemblée générale du dimanche 17 Juin 1906.... Examen des apports. — Sont déposés sur les tables les produits suivants : .... — Par M. Lacombe, jardinier, chez M. Dumas, à Irigny, Rhône. 1° Une nombreuse collection de Roses en fleurs coupées, 70 variétés environ ; toutes sont remarquables par la beauté de leurs nuances et la grandeur des fleurs. Les plus intéressantes sont : Archiduchesse Maria Immaculata, Duchesse Maria Salviati, Franciska Kruger, Madame Honoré Defresne, Madame Jacques Charreton, Marie Van Houtte, Perle des Jardins Règulus, Camoens, Madame Caroline Testoud, Grâce Darling, Kaiserin Augusta Victoria, La France, Madame Joseph Combet, Madame Alfred Carrière, Souvenir de la Malmaison, Jean Liabaud, Louis Van Houtte, Soleil d’Or, Madame Georges Bruant, hybride de Rugosa.... A M. Lacombe, pour ses Roses, une médaille d’argent.
Book (1905) Page(s) 127. Duchesse Marie Salviati, Tea Rose (raised from "Mdme. Lambard" and "Mdme. Maurice Kuppenheim" by Soupert & Notting, 1890. Medium to large, chrome-yellow, shaded with flesh-colour, centre peach-red. Growth regular.
Booklet (1904) Page(s) 14. Duchesse Marie Salviati Tea. (Soupert et Notting 1889). Orange, shaded with rosy-peach, variable, large, long buds. Vig. Gdn. Bud.
Magazine (1904) Page(s) 167. Rose Duchesse Marie Salviati.— It is remarkable that this Rose is not grown in this country. The pink flower is not at all full, but rather of the character of G. Nabonnand, yet perfectly distinct from that well-known Rose. It is quite true that the most commonplace Tea Rose looks well in the cool, moist, autumnal days, but there is a distinct charm about the variety under notice; the pink tint fades to a silvery whiteness towards the edges of the petals, I have long heard of the variety as being a good one on the Continent, and it was only this year that I had an opportunity of seeing it. Duchesse Marie Salviati is one of the parents of Reichsgraaf E. von Kesseltalt, and the two varieties are well worth adding to any collection.—P.