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'Pope Pius IX' rose References
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 75.  
PIE IX (sport parent of REINE DES VIOLETTES, PIUS THE NINTH) HP. Good, reliable rebloom. Outstanding fragrance. Arching, long caned. Vibert, 1849. [Provenance: Saxman] This is the purple sport parent of REINE DES VIOLETTES. ...Candace Saxman introduced us one day to her REINE DES VIOLETTES which she was upset because parts of the plant had become rather thorny and the color of the flowers on those stems had lost their blue tones and become a rather reddish-purple. They were also more vigorous...
Book  (2001)  Page(s) 600-602.  
Hybrid Perpetuals. Pie IX (Vibert, 1848) syn., 'Pius IX'. [The author cites from various sources.] ..Horticulturists place the rose 'Pie IX' in the category of those hybrids which resemble Hybrid Chinas in wood and foliage, but Portlands in the ovary....All such hybrids have wood of a delicate green, sometimes more or less brown in youth, clothed with numerous very unequal prickles, sharp and slightly hooked; some are small, like a large bristle enlarged at the base; others are longer and look quite completely like thorns. The leaves are glabrous, smooth in youth; in age, however, they become slightly thicker, stiff, and somewhat rugose; it is this which distinguishes these hybrids from the true Portlands, which have soft leaves which are slender and downy. ...
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 563.  
Pie IX (HP) Vibert 1849; vivid carmine to violet-crimson, large, double, solitary or up to 3, fragrance 5/10, bright light green foliage, large and small prickles, growth 7/10. = Pio nono.
Website/Catalog  (1913)  Page(s) 25.  
Hybrid Perpetual Roses.
Pius the Ninth
In color, violet-rose, a little different from anything else of this group of Roses, with a fragrance that is most agreeable. The plant flowers freely, with large, full, flat blossoms. The growth is strong, and the bush assumes a tall, often riotous, formation. The variety is one of the newer sorts, yet it has become well known among Rose-fanciers, and occupies a high position in their gardens.
Book  (1899)  Page(s) 143.  
Pie IX, HR, Vibert, 1849, carmin violacé
Book  (1899)  Page(s) 144.  
? Pio nono, HR, carmin
Website/Catalog  (1888)  Page(s) 76.  
Hardy Roses.
Remontant or Hybrid Perpetual.  These bloom abundantly in June, and again moderately in Autumn, while a few varieties bloom freely during the Summer.  For general culture they are the most desirable.  
Price, 35 cents each.  Ten or more varieties, our choice, $3.00 per 10.
Pius IX...  Bright rose, fragrant.
Book  (1885)  Page(s) Vol 2, p. 198.  
Hyb. rem. Pie IX. VIBERT 1849. Rameaux vigoureux; de couleur brune d'abord,..hérissés de nombreuses petites pointes aiguës et de quelques rares aiguillons assez gros, rouge brun; les feuilles sont amples, d'un beau vert clair, luisant en dessus, pâle et un peu glauque en dessous; elles sont composées de 3 à 7 folioles inégales presque lisses, relevées sur les bords, irrégulièrement dentées; les fleurs sont odorantes, grandes, pleines, d'un beau rouge cramoisi vif, réunies ordinairement par trois au sommet des rameaux.
Book  (1880)  Page(s) Annex, p. 106.  
hybrid perpetual, Pie IX. (Vibert, 1849), crimson-red, large, full, vigorous, branches almost thornless
Website/Catalog  (1878)  Page(s) 260.  
Pius the Ninth Hybrid Perpetual.
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