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'Aorangi' rose References
Book  (1980)  Page(s) 20.  
'Aorangi'. F. (N. Murray, '79) 'Arthur Bell' x 'Red Devil'. Bud pointed; fl. large (3 in.), dbl. (41 petals), high centered, slightly fragrant, cream. Fol. large. Upright; abundant bloom. w.
Article (misc)  (1980)  Page(s) 153.  
Aorangi Floribunda. Nola Murray (New Zealand). 'Arthur Bell' x 'Red Devil'. [w]
Book  (1980)  Page(s) 97.  
New Zealand rose Registrations 1979. 'Aorangi'. Floribunda. White. Raiser: Nola Murray
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