'Lady Maisie Robinson' rose References
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 299. 'LADY MAYSIE ROBINSON', HT, pb, 1956; flowers deep pink, center white, large, dbl., 22 petals, cupped, moderate fragrance; foliage dark, glossy; vigorous, upright, bushy growth; [Seedling X Peace]; Kordes
Website/Catalog (2000) Page(s) 116. H.T., Lady Maysie Robinson, Kordes R., 1956
Book (1969) Lady Maisie Robinson. H T Kordes (1956), Seedling X Peace. Large double cupped flowers' deep pink with silvery reverse. Fragrant. Dark glossy foliage. Strong growth. 2 ft 6 into 3 ft.
Book (1965) Page(s) 246. LADY MAYSIE ROBINSON ( W. Kordes ) . 1956. An unnamed Seedling Peace . A lovely little - known rose being free - flowering and of vigorous habit . The blooms are globular , greatly resembling those of Mrs John Laing both in shape and ...
Book (1963) Page(s) 148. Includes photo(s). Lady Maysie Robinson Plate 174. HT. Kordes 1956. Seedling x 'Peace'. Large double cupped flowers; deep pink with silvery reverse. Fragrant. Dark glossy foliage. Strong growth. 2 ft. 6 in. to 3 ft.
Book (1959) Page(s) 93. Lady Maisie Robinson. Kordes, 1955
Book (1958) Page(s) 193. Lady Maysie Robinson. HT. (Kordes, '56). Seedling X Peace. Large, dbl. (22 petals), cupped, fragrant, deep pink, center white. Fol. dark, glossy. Vig., upright, bushy; abundant bloom.
Book (1958) Page(s) 49. Lady Maisie Robinson
Book (1958) Page(s) 161. LADY MAISIE ROBINSON — H.T . ( Unnamed seedling × Peace . ) On the same lines as LADY EVE PRICE . The large , semi - double fragrant flowers are a warm rose - pink , deepening towards the edges of the petals . Excellent for cutting .
Book (1956) Page(s) 28. Harry H. Hazlewood. Some New Roses For 1956. Lady Maysie Robinson HT. (Kordes 1955). Large attractive semi-double pink blooms with a golden base. The reverse of the petal is silvery pink edged deeper pink. It is free flowering with moderate fragrance and was awarded a Certificate of Merit by the N.R.S. Quite distinct from the usual type of pink rose.