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'Rosa centifolia andrewsii' rose References
Book  (2012)  Page(s) 37.  
Rose mousseuse
3e Série
R. Mousseuse simple, angl. Andrews.
Book  (2008)  Page(s) 162.  
Breeders had success only around 1820 with a single moss rose, R. centifolia 'Andrewsii', obtaining some seedlings. From these new varieties were obtained which were much sought aftere, as moss roses were in fashion! 220 sorts were introduced only between 1845 and 1858!
Book  (May 1998)  Page(s) 20,21.  Includes photo(s).
Page 20: Rosa muscosa ('Single Moss Rose', 'Rosier mousseux') Description... Pedicels, receptacles and pinnatifid sepals covered with long, greenish-brown, glandular, viscous, moss-like outgrowths giving off a sweet and penetrating fragrance. Petals 5, clear pink... The single-flowered moss rose, still very rare in France, came to us from England where it bloomed for the first time in the gardens of the Countess of Wandes at Bayswater in 1807...
Page 21: [Illustration]
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 403.  
R. centifolia andrewsii Rehder, (R. muscosa simplex); Cult 1807; Similar to Centifolia Muscosa but flowers single
Book  (1981)  Page(s) 69.  
After the occurrence of a single-flowered sport of the Common Moss (R. centifolia f. andrewsii Rehd.; R. muscosa simplex Andr.) it became possible to raise seedling moss roses. The later hybrid moss roses derive from this, or from the moss form of the Autumn Damask.
Book  (1963)  Page(s) 183.  
Andrews, Plate 58. Depicts the Single Moss Rose, Rosa muscosa simplex.
Book  (1962)  Page(s) 414.  
'Andrewsii'. Single-blooming moss rose: deep pink (= R. muscosa simplex Andr.). Discovered in 1807 by Shailer in Little Chelsea, England, as a Mutation of the Moss Rose, later also found in France.
Book  (1954)  Page(s) 115.  
R. centifolia andrewsii Rehder— A single, deep pink sport of R. centifolia muscosa discovered by Shailer in 1807
Magazine  (1945)  Page(s) 474.  
Rosa centifolia f. Andrewsii. nom. nov.
Rosa muscosa simplex Andrews, Roses, 1:t. (58)(1810).- Seringe, Mus. Helv. Hist. Nat. 1:18 (1818)
Rosa muscosa (Muscosa simplex Thory in Redouté, Roses, 1:39, t. (1817). This rose, the single-flowered form of the Moss Rose, was raised in the garden of the Countess de Vanda at Bayswater, England, and flowered there first in 1807, according to Miss Willmott's Genus Rosa (2: 347 [1912]).
Book  (1925)  Page(s) 533.  
The sterility of the Old Moss-Rose raises a distinct difficulty in the investigation of the genetics of the "Moss" mutation, as the Single Moss of 1807 seems to be no longer in cultivation, though as we have seen this difficulty is probably not insurmountable.
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