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'Amy Johnson' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 72-755
most recent 26 SEP 13 SHOW ALL
Initial post 5 JUL 13 by cafeaulait
Wow, the fragrance!!!! Amazing. Lovely rose.

Mine is complaining about poor drainage and/or not enough sun (own-root). She's getting moved. I thought she could take some shade because most roses can take a bit here in hot NC, but she may not like it. Blooming nicely even while trying to wither away, lol. I bet she likes it hot, really well-drained and sunny, so she's getting a change of scenery.

I gave her a not-so-great mark for vigor, but that may be totally due to where I put her. She's been slow to decline in a spot she obviously doesn't like, so my grade might not be fair. OTOH, I can't call her vigorous yet...
Reply #1 of 2 posted 5 JUL 13 by HMF Admin
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience with the HMF community.
That's what HMF is all about.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 26 SEP 13 by cafeaulait
Thank you :)

So I transplanted her and she took off. I still can't tell whether she's a house-eater yet, but I don't think she has a vigor problem in sunny conditions. Yay!
Discussion id : 71-369
most recent 4 MAY 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 MAY 13 by AquaEyes
Available from - Rogue Valley Roses
Discussion id : 29-416
most recent 28 JUL 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 JUL 08 by Patricia Routley
With his permission yesterday, I have shared a 2005 email from Robert Peace in Victoria:

I remember this rose, Amy Johnson, from many years ago! I'm pleased to say I helped it to be preserved. A lovely Englishman, long retired and a severe cardiac invalid by the time I met him, had this rose in his collection. On his small suburban block he had crammed roses at every level. The carport was covered with ‘Silver Moon’, for example, and all the HT's were underplanted with miniatures. On the back fence he had an aging plant of ‘Amy Johnson’ and he was happy to share budwood.

Mr Harrison had written to Heritage Roses in Australia requesting other Clark roses and offering ‘Amy Johnson’ in exchange. He told me nobody had followed it up and contacted him about this rose, prior to my visit. I don’t remember that it was in cultivation before Mr Harrison sent budwood to John Nieuwesteeg after my meeting with him. This was in the early 1980's when there were few Clark roses known and we both wanted to share the few we had.

I'd be very surprised if ‘Amy Johnson’ is anything to do with giganteas. It seems a HT to me. Re the poor repeat mentioned by some.....this rose refuses to rebloom while it has hips on it, as Lilia Weatherly in Tasmania mentions. Trim them off and it repeats quickly. The foliage is clean and matt, not wrinkled in my memory.

Mr. Harrison is likely long gone now. I remember his wife gave me some stewed blood plums as well! I 've never forgotten that day, winding our way through that thicket of roses...and I've never forgotten his name which he shared with the Beatle....George Harrison. Rob...
Reply #1 of 1 posted 28 JUL 08 by cree
Thanks for posting this, a very enjoyable read.
Discussion id : 18-386
most recent 1 MAY 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 APR 07 by Argyll
Where in the UK may I purchase the rose called "Amy Johnson", which your site tells me is commercially available?
Reply #1 of 3 posted 30 APR 07 by jedmar
THe "Buy From" tab lists nurseries which carry Amy Johnson.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 30 APR 07 by Argyll
Thank you - I wonder if you know any nurseries in the Uk which stock this rose?
Reply #3 of 3 posted 1 MAY 07 by jedmar
The UK nurseries listed in our site do not carry this rose, unfortunately.
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