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'Elizabeth' rose References
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 398.  
Elizabeth Hybrid Tea. B.R. Cant 1911. Seedling of 'Frau Karl Druschki'. The author cites information from different sources... Deep carnation pink at the center, lighter towards the petal edges...
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 236.  
Elizabeth (HT) B. Cant 1911; Druschki X ? ; deep carnation pink, outer petals lighter, large, double, pointed form, floriferous, growth 6/10, upright. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog  (1917)  Page(s) 9.  
Elisabeth, deep pink, lighter towards the outside, B. Cant 1911
Magazine  (1917)  Page(s) 29.  
National Rose Society Awards. Gold Medals....Elizabeth.- A decorative and bedding variety, with rather small and (as shown) somewhat thin flowers. The colour is bright crimson, the outer petals darker than the inner ones. The variety appears to be free in flowering, but the foliage is not especially attractive; indeed, it was a little difficult to understand the award of a Gold Medal to this variety unless it has exceptional merit as a bedder.....
Book  (Apr 1915)  Page(s) 158.  Includes photo(s).
[After the Index] Elizabeth Hybrid Tea. B.R. Cant & Sons 1911. A fair grower with some autumn bloom.
Website/Catalog  (1914)  Page(s) 16.  
Hybrid Tea Roses.
Elizabeth, B. R. Cant & Son, 1911, vigorous. Deep rosy pink, shading off lighter towards the outer petals; large, full, and well pointed.
Book  (1914)  Page(s) 75.  
Descriptive List of the Newer Roses.  1910-1913.
Elizabeth (Hybrid Tea), B. R. Cant & Sons, 1911. — Rose pink. —Vigorous. — Exhibition, garden. — Fragrant. 
Website/Catalog  (1913)  Page(s) 25.  Includes photo(s).
Hybrid Tea-Scented Roses.
Elizabeth (B. R. Cant & Sons, 1911), result of a cross with the well known variety Frau Karl Druschki and similar in habit of growth; colour deep rosy pink in the centre, shading off lighter towards the outer petals; flowers large, full and well pointed, a valuable exhibition and decorative variety.
Magazine  (2 Nov 1912)  Page(s) 554.  
Elizabeth (B. R. Cant and Sons, 1911). — A pink Druschki is quite a fair description of this Rose. It is so free-flowering that it must be heavily disbudded to one bud. It has been very good with me — quite up to exhibition standard, and is catalogued at 1s. 6d. this year by the raisers, so should be tried if not already grown. ....Southampton. H. E. Molyneux
Magazine  (Apr 1912)  Page(s) 55-56.  
MM. Benjamin R. Cant et Sons, Rosiéristes à Colchester (Angleterre), ont livré aux cultures, à l'autonme dernier (1911) : ELIZABETH (Hybride de Thé). — Elizabeth est le résultat d'un croisement de la variété bien connue Frau Karl Druschki. Couleur rose oeillet foncé au centre, rose plus clair au bord des pétales, fleurs larges et bien fournies, aux pétales pointus. C'est une variété très jolie et fort décorative. C'est, d'après le » Gardener's Magazine », une nouveauté de tout premier mérite.
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