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"Gill Rose" References
Booklet  (2022)  Page(s) 54-55.  Includes photo(s).
"Octavus Weld" 
Magazine  (2021)  Page(s) 33. Vol 43, No. 4.  Includes photo(s).
Lynne Chapman and Billy West. A Close Look at Tea Roses
5. Tea roses that we have been unable to identify as yet. One of our favourite Tea roses is known to us as “Octavus Weld” as it was found on the grave of Dr Octavus Weld in a cemetery in South Australia (photos p. 34). This is a rose we have wanted to identify for many years so imagine our delight when we saw it in Gregg Lowery’s garden in California. Gregg calls it ‘enchanting’ in the Vintage Gardens Book of Roses but it is another unidentified rose with a study name, “Angels Camp Tea”. Coincidentally this plant was also found in a cemetery, at Angels Camp, an old gold mining centre east of San Francisco. Because the bloom colour is so variable, the rose is known in the USA under several names: “Angels Camp Tea”, “Angels Camp White Tea” and “Angels Camp Pink Tea”. And in Australia we know and love it as “Octavus Weld” (ROR) which brings us full circle - while we would like to find the original name, the most important thing is that the rose survives and is again being grown in our gardens.
Website/Catalog  (21 May 2020)  
Octavus Weld (Aus clone) Rose pink varying to pale pink tinged with cream. Some equate this to Angels camp tea but until they are grown together this is speculation
Newsletter  (Feb 2020)  Page(s) 7.  Includes photo(s).
[From "A Victorian Rose Garden Reborn", by Gloria Leinbach, pp. 2-9]
“Jost Plot Tea” is another legacy rose growing in Sacramento City Cemetery that is very much like “Angel’s Camp Tea.” Due to its chameleon-like color characteristics, positive identification will probably require DNA testing. Angels Camp is an old mining town in the Sierra Nevada Foothills, immortalized in Mark Twain’s story about “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”.
Magazine  (2019)  Page(s) 21. Vol 41, No. 2.  Includes photo(s).
Margaret Furness.  Mystery Teas in Australia
“Octavus Weld” (SA), The Gill Rose” (WA), “Angels Camp Tea” (California).Teas reserve the right to vary in every way possible, and OW is one of the most variable. ID features of OW are the bead-like receptacle - spherical or slightly elongated: and the the tendency to set many hips. Then look for elongated leaflets that hark back to the China rose part of its pedigree. The scent is a changing mixture of sweet, fruity and spicy. Constant flowering, lasts well as cut flower. Bush form variable: tall at Renmark. Can get mildew.  It is superb in winter in frost-free areas.
Newsletter  (Feb 2015)  Page(s) 31.  Includes photo(s).
“Angels Camp Tea” A mystery rose also known as “Octavus Weld
Book  (2011)  Page(s) 115.  
Hillary Merrifield. Mystery Tea Roses in Australia. Two have also been found as mystery roses in the United States. "Octavus Weld" is identical to "Angel's Camp Tea," which was collected from an old mining town in California.
Book  (2004)  Page(s) 119.  Includes photo(s).
"Octavius Weld". Tea. Found on the grave of a man named Octavius Weld in South Australia, no one knows the true identity of this rose. The flowers are variable, ranging from rose pink through soft pink to cream. They appear profusely and repeatedly on a vigorous bush that has mid-green leaves. It grows 3m (10ft) high by 5m (16ft) wide. There is a mild tea scent. (Parentage unknown)./ Zones 7-11.
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 436-437.  Includes photo(s).
Octavius Weld Tea. Parentage unknown... found on a grave in Blakiston, South Australia, and given the name on the tombstone... 'Octavius Weld' was probably imported in the 1890s... The flowers are very variable; in spring they can be rose pink, in summer soft pink tinged with cream, and in autumn and winter the color of clotted cream... This is a lovely Tea Rose, but it is not grown outside Australia...
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 349.  Includes photo(s).
‘Ronningii’. Angel’s Camp.  Tea.   Here is yet another old Tea Rose preserved at the Huntington Gardens in San Marino, its shapely, softly fragrant blooms reminiscent of a paler-toned ‘President Herbert Hoover’ in shades of pink and rose.  Foliage is semi-glossy and dark green.  There must be many old Teas surviving in old gardens in mild places like California, South Africa and Australia, giving a good account of themselves despite neglect, or perhaps because of it.  Teas dislike any but the lightest pruning, and will shrink from the overzealous gardener’s secateurs. 
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