'Duchesse de Vallombrosa' rose References
Book (2006) Page(s) 69. Duchesse de Vallombrosa. HP. Good, reliable rebloom, Outstanding fragrance. Upright..dense habit. Dunand/Schwartz, 1875. (ex Guillot). Large, loosely double flowers with very big petals make a form at once disheveled and unpretentious. Faulted for this relaxed form by some authors, it is nevertheless avery beautiful rose, contributing its pale pink coloring to a class of deeper pink and red roses.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 163. Duchesse de Vallombrosa Hybrid Perpetual. Dunand/Schwartz 1875. Seedling of 'Jules Margottin' (Hybrid Perpetual)... Blush, centre delicate flesh... Flesh, changing to white... the deep pink of the central petals grading nicely through delicate pink to the blush of the outer petals... the blooms cannot stand rain at all...
Book (1936) Page(s) 722. de Vallombrosa, Duch. (HP) Dunand 1875 (Schwartz); J. Margottin X ? ; tender pink, center darker, fades to white-pink, large, double, globular, fine form, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, repeats, growth 7/10.
Book (1906) Page(s) 55. 3235. Duchesse de Vallombrosa, HR, Schwartz, 1875, rose p. syn. André Dusau [poss. a scanning error?]
Book (1905) Page(s) 127. Duchesse de Vallombrosa, H.P. (raised from "Jules Margottin," by Schwartz, 1875). Large, full, cupped, delicate pink, darker in centre; vigorous, free.
Book (1902) Page(s) 128. Hybrides Remontants. Groupe F. — Jules Margottin Arbustes d'une vigueur extraordinaire, très résistants aux froids. Rameaux droits, armés de nombreux aiguillons gros et crochus; feuillage ample, folioles oblongues dentelées; floraison abondante, le plus souvent en corymbe, le bouton entouré de sépales foliacés, verts, longs et dentelés, fleurs variant du rose au rouge vif, sans coloris foncés, fruits très allonges, rappelant ceux du R. de Damas, dont ce groupe est probablement issu. 4202. Duchesse de Vallombrosa... (Schwartz 1875)... rose pourpre.
Book (1902) Page(s) 238. Duchesse de Vallombrosa (Schwartz, 1875).-- Requires good soil and generous treatment; with these it will grow strongly with distinct habit and foliage, but it will not thrive everywhere. It is not very liable to mildew, but the blooms cannot stand rain at all, and being of a light colour are subject to injury from thrips in a dry season. They have a decided tendency to come badly shaped, often with me having a gap or chasm in the outline, as though a piece had been cut out. The shape is rather too open and flat at the best, but it is of large size, free-flowering, fair in lasting qualities, and pretty good in a dry autumn.
Book (1901) Page(s) 388. Duchesse de Vallombrosa light rose-peach passing to white, large globular flower.
Book (1900) Page(s) 284. Duchesse de Vallombrosa. Flesh, changing to white. Good and free-flowering; impatient of wet.
Booklet (1899) Page(s) 19. Hybrid Perpetuals. Duchesse de Vallombrosa Schwartz 1875. S. G. Light flesh, almost white, large, well formed, vigorous.