'Boy O Boy ™' rose References
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 125. 'DICuniform', S, mr, 1999; (Boy O Boy TM); description; (Little Prince X Eye Opener); Dickson, Colin, 1996; Dickson Nurseries, Ltd., 1996
Book (2000) Page(s) 129. ‘Boy O Boy’/DICuniform = …petit arbuste un peu anarchique, tout hérissé de pousses courtes… menus boutons pointus aui éclatent en églantines rouge sang à 5 pétales, éclairées d’étamines d’or. Le parfum est insignifiant, mais la floraison généreuse est appréciée en bordure ou en haie basse étalée. Ce petit rosier bien nommé («bigre, bigre») s’habille de la tête au pied d’un fin feuillage vert vif, très sain. Dickson, UK 1996. RNRS Trial Ground Certificate 1994.
Magazine (Oct 1999) Page(s) 30. Registration 'Dicuniform', Shrub, mr, 1999, (Boy O Boy), Dickson, Colin, [Little Prince X Eye Opener] ... description
Article (magazine) (21 Mar 1999) Page(s) 13. Boy O Boy crimson... a shrub that is suitable as a ground cover
Book (1995) Page(s) 30. Colin P. Horner, The 1994 Rose Seedling Awards in Great Britain. The same pollen parent [Eyeopener] was used by Colin & Pat Dickson to produce their award winner, DICuniform (T.G.1204). This is a Cluster Flower seedling with very large trusses of single red blooms on a nice bushy plant. The seed parent was 'Little Prince'. Trial Ground Certificate.