'Scarlet Glow' rose References
Magazine (2092) Page(s) 20. Vol 96, Part 1. Nicholas Dodson Coleman Sings the Praise of the Single Rose. Better known and definitely not a poor grower is Kordes 'Scarlet Fire' (or 'Scharlachglut .....
Book (2007) Page(s) 471. 'Scharlachglut'.....['Alika' x 'Poinsettia']
Article (magazine) (May 1999) Page(s) 61. Includes photo(s).
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 555. Scharlachglut Gallica. Wilhelm Kordes 1952
Book (Mar 1999) Page(s) 98. Includes photo(s). Scharlachglut ('Scarlet Fire', 'Scarlet Glow') Kordes (Germany) 1952. Description... Velvety, single, scarlet-crimson blossoms, each with a showy center of good stamens. An early bloomer... shade tolerant...
Book (1997) Page(s) 147. Kordes (Germany) 1952. 'Poinsettia' x 'Alika'. Description and vital statistics. This rose is a staggering sight as a fully established shrub. The very large, single flowers are bright velvety-red with pronounced golden stamens...The persistent calyx, not typical of a Gallica, has prompted some to believe this rose to have R. pimpinellifolia in its make-up... In addition to making an excellent, solid free-standing shrub, this rose is also good climbing into small trees, demonstrated admirably by a fine speciment, now well established and growing up into a white flowering cherry tree at Mannington Hall, Norfolk.
Book (1995) Page(s) 34. Description... Probably a Gallica Hybrid -- one of its parents was 'Alika'...
Book (1995) Page(s) 167. Includes photo(s).
Book (Nov 1994) Page(s) 118. Description.
Book (1991) Page(s) 88. 'Scharlachglut' Parentage: Poinsettia X Alika (Rosa gallica grandiflora)
English translation of "Scharlachglut" is "Scarlet glow" or Scarlet fire". Neither name can quite capture the intensity of this rose's color.
Part of Scharlachglut's effect lies in its size. It has the largest blossoms in our garden, and, in keeping with this grand design, the bush is also large, with thrusting canes that droop slightly. Although a bit open, the bush forms and adequate background for its flowers. Judicious pruning will help to thicken the bush and improve the overall presence of this rose.