'John Bright' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 108. Bright, John (HP) G. Paul 1878; bright crimson, large, double, globular, short center petals.
Book (1906) Page(s) 79. 5.088. John Bright, Hybride Remontant, G. Paul 1878 cramoisi
Website/Catalog (1903) Page(s) 64. John Bright Brilliant scarlet crimson, large, full and good build.
Book (1902) Page(s) 122. Hybrides Remontants. Groupe E. — Général Jacqueminot Les rosiers formant ce groupe, le plus important de tous, sont des arbustes de végétation vigoureuse, très florifères et portant beaucoup à fruit. Rameaux allongés, généralement gris; aiguillons nombreux, crochus; feuillage vert foncé, folioles ovales; floraison le plus souvent en corymbe; fleur forme en coupe ou chiffonnée, frisée, quelquefois globuleuse, coloris du rouge clair au pourpre noirâtre; fruits abondants, de forme plutôt arrondie. 3914. John Bright... (G. Paul 1878)... cramoisi.
Website/Catalog (1885) Page(s) 70. Hybrid Perpetual Roses John Bright very rich glowing crimson, exceedingly bright, flowers large, full, and fine globular form; for brightness of colour and other good qualities possessed by this rose it is one of the finest varieties ever introduced.
Book (1882) Page(s) 15. John Bright... Variété recommandée pour l'ornement des jardins. Hybride Perpétuel. Paul et fils. 1878 Ecarlate. Fleur grande. Plante vigoureuse.
Book (1882) Page(s) 239. John Bright, moderate [growth], H.R., G. Paul, 1878. Bright crimson, medium size.
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p. 64. hybrid perpetual, John Bright (Paul & Son, 1878), glossy pure crimson, large, double, globular, large petals, extra due to rich colouring; Prize rose of first rank.
Magazine (Feb 1879) Page(s) 33. Les Roses Nouvelles ... MM. Paul et fils, à Cheshunt, Angleterre. John Bright. — Fleurs d’un rose cramoisi très-briIlant.
Magazine (4 Sep 1875) Page(s) 201. English Raised Roses. It may be worthy of remark that nearly all the English Roses, raised by Messrs. Turner, Paul, Laxton, Cranston, and a few others, have proved exceedingly good, and may be depended upon. The following English-raised Roses are said to be good; but, as I have not yet seen blooms of them, I cannot speak positively as to their merits: John Bright (Paul & Son).—Colour, brilliant rosy-crimson, distinct in character, large, full, and of good form. A very effective variety.