'Rainbow Nation' rose References
Website/Catalog (8 Apr 2022) Includes photo(s). Camille Pisarro, like its namesake, this rose is known for its exuberant expression of colour in tones of reds, pinks, yellow, creams and white. While the double camellia-like blooms lack fragrance, its capacity for producing masses of repeat large flowers more than compensates. Fragrance: nil.
Website/Catalog (4 Sep 2020) Includes photo(s). Camille Pissaro Delbard ‘Painters Collection’. Full of life in red, yellow, pink and white, pure colours juxtaposed with style. These colours change from the bud to the fully open flower. Their perfume is like that of a vibrant apple on notes of ivy. Reaching 1.2m
Website/Catalog (24 Nov 2019) Includes photo(s). Camille Passarro Floribunda Rose. (PPAF, DELstricol) A ready-made masterpiece with each bloom a unique creation, this rose is certain to surprise and delight you. Disease resistant, glossy green foliage provides the perfect canvas for the enchanting clusters of blooms that appear in various combinations of yellow, red, pink, and white. Add to this a prolific blooming habit and you have a rose that is sure to leave an impression whether it's planted in the landscape or in containers. Part of the Painters Collection.
Book (2000) Page(s) 494-495. ‘Rainbow Nation’/DELstricol/’Camille Pissarro’ = Floribunda. Creuset d’ethnies et de cultures, l’Afrique du Sud est parfois nommée «nation arc-en-ciel». Ce floribunda multicolore lui est dédiée, en symbole imagé résolument optimiste… buisson de hauteur moyenne, robuste et sain, qui porte durant des mois (voire toute l’année en climat chaud) ses corymbes de fleurs doubles hardiment panachées de rouge, de rose, de blanc, de jaune et d’orangé… remarquable tenue en vase... En France, il se nomme ‘Camille Pissarro’. Delbard, France, 1996. Ascendance inconnue.