'Reine Marguerite d'Italie' rose References
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 561. Reine Marguerite d'Italie Hybrid Tea. Soupert & Notting 1904
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 446. Reine Marguerite d'Italie [Translation: "Queen Marguerite of Italy"] Hybrid Tea. Soupert & Notting, 1904. From 'Baron Nathaniel de Rothschild' x 'Mme. la Princesse de Bessaraba de Brancovan'. The author cites information from different sources... Bright carmine red, center vermilion...
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 344. Reine Marguerite d'Italie Hybrid Tea. Soupert & Notting 1904
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 286. Reine Marguerite d'Italie Hybrid Tea. Soupert & Notting 1904. From 'Baron Nathaniel de Rothschild' x 'Mme. la Princesse de Bessaraba de Brancovan' (Tea). The author cites information from different sources... carmine red, the center brightene with vermilion red...
Book (1936) Page(s) 365. d'Italie, Reine marguerite (HT) Soup. & Nott. 1905; B. N. de Rothschild X P. Bessaraba; glossy carmine, center vermilion, very large, very double, fragrance 7/10 (centifolia), floriferous, continuous bloom. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog (1936) Page(s) 7. Reine Marguerite d'Italie Hybride de thé. Soupert & Notting 1905. Rouge carmin luisant. [Hybrid Tea. Glowing crimson red.]
Website/Catalog (1934) Page(s) 116. Reine Marguerite d’Italie (HT) (Soupert & Notting, 1904) Arbusto basso, molto ramificato, eccellente per bordi e piccoli cespugli perché sempre pieno di fiori; fiore grande, molto doppio e profumato, d’un bel rosso ciliegia vivo.
Website/Catalog (1921) Page(s) [4]. Hybrid Teas or Everblooming Varieties $1.25 each, $12 per dozen, $90 per 100 Reine Marie d'Italie. Dark red, medium-size flower, wide branching stems, a vigorous and popular bush.
Magazine (5 Aug 1911) Page(s) 374. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Reine Marguerite d'Italie... Hybrid Tea, Soupert, 1904, Baron N. de Rothschild X Princesse de Bassaraba
Website/Catalog (1911) Page(s) 23. Hybrid Tea. Reine Marquerite d'Italy. Carmine red, centre vermillion, full and floriferous, sweetly scented. Vig.