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'Tradescant' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 128-702
most recent 6 AUG 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 AUG 21 by eihblin
Thank you all so much; this is very helpful. I've posted on a rose forum about this plant, too, and the general consensus seems to indicate that this rose is more likely to remain smaller...
Discussion id : 128-681
most recent 4 AUG 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 AUG 21 by eihblin
According to the description, this rose can vary enormously in size-from 75 cms tall to 245 cms. Can anyone comment on this, to help me get an idea of what size it is more likely to achieve at maturity? It's so hard to decide where in the garden to place a plant when you have no clear idea of what it will be like when mature. I had the same issue with the HMF description of Purple Eden (Ebb Tide), and the responses I recieved were SO helpful,explaining that, though it is possible that plant will become fairly large it's more likely to be a pretty modest grower,so I'm hoping that some of you can weigh in with your experiences. Thank you in advance!
Reply #1 of 5 posted 4 AUG 21 by Kathy Strong
I grew this rose for years in Southern California and it never got bigger than about 3 feet. I think the larger size might be a mistake.
Reply #3 of 5 posted 4 AUG 21 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
Canes were 8' long here in the low desert.
Reply #4 of 5 posted 4 AUG 21 by Kathy Strong
Huh. How about that. Was hard to get it to grow here at all. Maybe I just got a bad plant from the getgo. Hope all is well with you!
Reply #5 of 5 posted 4 AUG 21 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
All is well enough. I'm losing roses to heat. It happens every year here but seems to be accelerating.

Austins tend to go berserk here. Exceptions were 'Fair Bianca' and 'Tamora'. I have few Austins left and that's ok.

Enjoying your pics..!
Reply #2 of 5 posted 4 AUG 21 by Lee H.
I don’t have the rose, but it’s one that DA U.S. used to sell. The rose tag description was “Arching shrub or climber…4’ x 4 ft. or 8 ft. as a climber” I’m not sure if that’s any help…
Discussion id : 106-562
most recent 17 NOV 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 NOV 17 by Unregistered Guest
Available from - Tuincentrum Lottum - The Netherlands
Discussion id : 103-214
most recent 23 JUL 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 JUL 17 by DLEverette_NC_Zone7b
First season in my garden bare root, growing in a container. Canes have grown to 2ft+ and have bloomed twice so far (currently late July). I learned the hard way that its canes do not like to be bent too much, so it doesn't seem suitable for a narrow pillar or obelisk (what it's growing on currently). Would need to get a wider obelisk, or train it so it can arch or stretch along a fence

Fragrance is very nice. So far it's moderate in strength. The blooms are beautiful as well. They are a lovely shade of dark wine red that looks purple - almost exactly like Munstead Wood (also growing in a container). Flower size is accurate as described at about 2.5 - 3in, Also seems to be clean - no blackspot so far. I should note that I have sprayed for BS a couple of times this season, but it seems it wasn't good enough for a few of my roses - though all of the ones that are showing BS have been stressed anyway.

So far I love this rose
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