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'Eliza Sauvage' rose References
Book  (Jun 1992)  Page(s) 67.  
Elise Sauvage Tea. Miellez 1838. The author cites information from different sources... Straw yellow... Orange-yellow... Pale yellow -- orange centre -- superb... Parent of "Princess of Wales' (Tea).
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 646.  
Sauvage, Elise (tea) ? 1818; pale yellow, center orange, large, double, globular, growth 7/10 = [similar to] Mme. William, Enfant trouvé
Book  (1933)  Page(s) 182.  
'Gloire de Bordeaux'. Lartay, 1861. Another child of 'Gloire de Dijon'. with large, bright pink flowers silvered with white. Also known as 'Belle de Bordeaux', Elisa Sauvage and 'Mme. William'.
Book  (1899)  Page(s) 59.  
Elisa Sauvage, thé, jaunâtre
Website/Catalog  (1898)  
Eliza Savage. This always scarce rose is one of the best of all white roses, with light green healthy foliage, a beautiful habit of growth, always in bloom, and perfectly exquisite buds and blossoms.
Magazine  (1 Dec 1894)  Page(s) 177.  
Les Roses en Californie. — Il paraît que les rosiers prennent un développement considérable en Californie. Le Deutsche Garten-Zeitung nous apprend qu'il existe dans le jardin de M. E. Beans, banquier, un pied de la variété Elisa Sauvage, âgé de 27 ans, qui mesure 3 mètres de hauteur, produisant une touffe de 10 mètres de circonférence et dont le diamètre du tronc est de 0m10.

Roses in California. — It seems that roses grow to a considerable size in California. The Deutsche Garten-Zeitung tells us that in the garden of M. E. Beans, banker, there is a 27-year-old plant of Elisa Sauvage that is 3 meters in height, producing a shrub 10 meters in circumference and with a trunk diameter of 0m10.
Book  (1893)  
p167. Synonymous or Too-Much-Alike Roses. Tea Roses. Elise Sauvage and L'Enfant Trouvé'

p255. No. 341. Elise Sauvage dwf. (L'enfant trouvé). T. Meillez, 1818. Orange-yellow, medium size, full.
Website/Catalog  (1886)  Page(s) 87.  
Tea-scented and Hybrid tea-scented Roses.
Elise Sauvage. Pale yellow, with buff centre
Book  (1884)  Page(s) 11.  
Elise Sauvage. Pale yellow bloom, centre occasionally reddish yellow, sometimes changeing to orange, large and full, globular. One of the most beautiful roses, but of somewhat tender nature.
Book  (1880)  Page(s) Annex, p. 44.  
tea, Élise Sauvage, yellowish with orange-reddish centre, large, full, globular
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