'Virginian Rambler' rose References
Book (2016) Page(s) 296. Includes photo(s). 'Virginian Rambler' Breeder: Origin unknown Parentage: Unknown Class: hybrid arvensis (ayrshire as per ARS) This rose has small to medium flowers that are pale pink and lightly double with an initial globular form taht gradually opens out flat.The canes are nearly thornless. It grows tall according to the Sangerhausen Europa-Rosarium catalog.
Book (2011) Page(s) 360. location B:7/4, Virginian Rambler, America arose around 1800, hybrid arvensis, whitish pink, small, double, tall [> 120 cm]
Book (Apr 2001) Page(s) 94. Virginian Rambler (= 'Miss Jekyll'?) Ayrshire? [America]
Book (1996) Page(s) 74. 'Virginian Rambler' Hybrid of R. arvensis from USA in the 19th century. Whitish pink, small-bloomed, double. Creeping.
Website/Catalog (1962) Page(s) 128. location 53, Virginian Rambler (America ? ) hybrid arvensis
Book (1936) Page(s) 740. Virginian Rambler (arvensis) in America ? ; tender pink to white-pink, medium size, 3/4-full, few prickles, growth 9/10, climbing, hardy.
Book (1910) Page(s) 258. Virginian Rambler Ayrshire: flowers white, shaded with pink, double; form compact.
Book (1899) Page(s) 179. Virginian Rambler, Grimpant, rose très tendre
Book (1890) Page(s) 30. .... bei Virginian Rambler werden, wenn der Stamm selbst 3 Meter hoch ist, die Triebe aus der Veredlung nur einen kurzen Bogen bilden; die Spitzen hängen dann auf die Erde.
Translation: ....with the Virginian Rambler, if the trunk itself is 3 meters high, the shoots from grafting will only form a short arc; the tips then hang on the ground.
Book (1889) Page(s) 123. Climbers... 79 Virginian Rambler (R. alpina). Medium size, almost double, very soft pink, passing to whitish. Very vigorous, almost without prickles, it is one of the best weeping Roses.