'Madame Cornélissen' rose Reviews & Comments
The quotes in your references from 1860, 1861, and 1862 refer to a Fuchsia of the same name as this rose. Also to be wary of: There was additionally a Geranium variety of this name at this time.
Thank you Brent. I have deleted these three references:
Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gardener and Country Gentleman (April 1861-77)EDIT Magazine (8 Jul 1862) Page(s) 270. Madame Cornelissen and Rose of Castille were the two best whites in two distinct strains, Madame having on a crimson crinoline reflexed. By-the-by, they say it was from our reflexed Fuchsias the ladies took their notion of tucking-up to see the petticoat; and Madame Cornelissen is, therefore, strictly in fashion, as well as in the first rank of reflexed Fuchsias. ...
Pflanzen-Catalog der Laurentius'schen Gärtnerei zu Leipzig für 1861EDIT Website/Catalog (1861) Page(s) 72. News sorts of 1860:....Madame Cornelissen (Cornel.) Large, pure white, very long , with few red veins, carmine-red reflexed sepals.
Wochenschrift für Gärtnerei und PflanzenkundeEDIT Magazine (30 Aug 1860) Page(s) 278. Nurserymen Cornelissen in Brussels...Madame Cornelissen has a very tender bloom. The even narrower sepals are reflexed in alight arch and the numerous petals of snow-white colouring have branched red veining. As seed parent Duchesse de lancaster and as pollen parent Roi des Blancs is mentioned.
Available from - Angel Gardens listed as 'Edith de Murat'
Available from - Roses Unlimited listed as 'Edith de Murat'
Available from - Vintage Gardens sold by Roses Unlimited and Angel Gardens as 'Edith de Murat'