'MORnita' rose References
Book (2002) Page(s) 20. Rated 7.2
Book (2000) Page(s) 81. Includes photo(s). ‘Anita Charles’/MORnita = Miniature – rose orangé, remontant…. fleurs menues… étonnant rouge corail ombré d’un soupçon de terre de Sienne, plus clair au revers des pétales et pâlissanten climat chaud… D’ordinaires solitaires, elles sont parfois groupées par 2 ou 3 en climat frais… Son port tendant à s’étaler le rend également utile en panier suspendu… Moore, USA, 1981.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 81. Includes photo(s). Anita Charles (MORnita) Miniature. Moore (USA) 1981. Description... The florets on this variety are an unusual deep coral that is almost tan with lighter undersides, which seem to fade in hot climates... It was named for the famous American gospel singer...
Article (magazine) (1997) Page(s) 20. Includes photo(s).
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 19. Anita Charles™ Miniature, orange-pink (bright pink, reverse lighter pink-yellow blend), 1981, (MORnita); 'Golden Glow' (Brownell) x 'Over the Rainbow'; Moore, R.S. Description.
Book (1993) Page(s) 125. Ross Heathcote, Victoria. Pink Miniature Roses. Anita Charles - 1982 (Moore): Flowers come in sprays of 4/6 on a healthy compact bush of 30/40 cm. The blooms in the bud are deep pink with a deep apricot reverse. Colours pale on opening and when fully open is a mid-pink of about 35 petals. Very showy in the garden.
Book (1993) Page(s) 112. Anita Charles is a friend who sings in Ralph Moore's church choir
Book (1984) Page(s) 23. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. New Roses For 1984. Anita Charles (Moore) This miniature has most unusual colouring. It is recorded as coral-red on yellow with a narrow gold band on edge of each petal. Reverse gold to coral. Excellent type of plant.