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'Madame Yorke' rose References
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 765.  
York, Mme. (HP) Mor. & Rob. 1881; vermilion, shaded carmine and blackish purple, large, double.
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 110.  
7.108. Madame York, Hybride Remontant, Moreau-Robert 1881 vermilion nuancé
Magazine  (Dec 1895)  Page(s) 479.  
Another long-established Society milliner is "Madame Yorke," of Conduit Street. From the first she adopted the French plan of making hats and bonnets to suit individual customers, and she is one of the few gentlewomen in business who believe in advertising; for the generality. of lady dressmakers do not seem to care to avail themselves of the ordinary methods of publicity. She pays frequent visits to Paris, and adapts rather than copies French fashions. Every hat turned out of her establishment is designed either by herself or her daughter.
Book  (1885)  Page(s) Vol. II, p. 80.  
Hyb. rem. Madame Yorke . MOREAU - ROBERT 1881 . Arbuste vigoureux ; beau feuillage vert foncé ; fleur grande , pleine; coloris rouge vermillon , ombré de carmin et nuancé de pourpre noirâtre , coloris extraordinaire.
Book  (1883)  Page(s) 233.  
The Roses of 1882 ....
Madame Yorke (hybrid perpetual, Moreau-Robert) is a pretty, loosely filled rose; scarlet-crimson-red; but not at all of "extraordinary colouring"; not darker, but somewhat larger than Jean Liabaud. I also saw blooms without black in the colouring of Sénateur Vaïsse; is it dependent on wetaher? Rank: 2-3.
Magazine  (1882)  Page(s) 30.  
H. rem. Madame Yorke . Kräftiger Strauch , schönes dunkelgrünes Blattwerk ; Blume gross , voll , zinnoberroth , schwärzlich - purpur- farbig nüancirt . Farbe aussergewöhnlich . 

Hybrid perpetual Madame Yorke. Vigorous shrub, beautifil dark green foliage; large, full bloom, vermilion-red, shaded blackish purple. Extraordinary colour.
Magazine  (1882)  Page(s) 72.  
Madame Yorke , vermilion red , shaded with carmine and blackish - purple ; on the whole a very original and useful colouring
Magazine  (1 Nov 1881)  Page(s) 172.  
Les Roses Nouvelles de 1881
L'ancien établissement horticole de M. Vibert. dirigé aujourd'hui par M. Moreau-Robert, horticulteur-rosiériste, rue des Bas-Chemins-du-Mail, à Angers (Maine-et-Loire), annonce la mise en vente de plusieurs do ses gains auxquels il donne les noms et descriptions ci après:
Hybrides remontants.
Madame Yorke. — Arbuste vigoureux, beau feuillage vert foncé , fleur grande, pleine, coloris rouge vermillon ombré de carmin et nuancé de pourpre noirâtre. Coloris extraordinaire.
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