'Brittany's Glowing Star' rose References
Article (misc) (Jul 2002) Page(s) 7. Amber Star Miniature [ob]
Book (2002) Page(s) 19. Not rated
Article (magazine) (Nov 1999) Page(s) 18. Includes photo(s). Amber Star (MANstar) Miniature. George Mander 2000. Sport of 'Glowing Amber'... Blooms open amber/orange on the inside with yellow at the base and a golden yellow reverse that become pink/cream when fully open... This rose has already been a show winner in the Pacific Northwest...
Magazine (Nov 1999) Page(s) 39. Registration 'MANstar', Min, ob, 2000, (Amber Star), [sport of Glowing Amber], Mander, George & Pazdzierski, Jim ... description